Hello everyone;

I just upgraded our test server with 5.3 and am running into problems. The upgrade process itself worked great (Server -> Properties is showing the correct version of SQL Backup), but I'm having problems when running backups.

I've been trying to run the backups with the GUI, but the script generated is as follows:
--Full script
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [HRMS_Sample] TO DISK = ''E:\Recovery\<AUTO>.sqb'' WITH COMPRESSION = 2, ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 46h, INIT, MAILTO = ''myemail@mydomain.com'', THREADCOUNT = 3, VERIFY"'

The error I get is:
SQL Backup log file


-----------------------------  ERRORS AND WARNINGS -----------------------------

2/27/2008 12:59:10 PM: Backing up HRMS_Sample (full database) to: 
2/27/2008 12:59:10 PM:   E:\Recovery\FULL_(local)_HRMS_Sample_20080227_125910.sqb

2/27/2008 12:59:10 PM: BACKUP DATABASE [HRMS_Sample]  TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_2F4481D0-E639-47BE-9F1B-054F10E9A5D1', VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_2F4481D0-E639-47BE-9F1B-054F10E9A5D101', VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_2F4481D0-E639-47BE-9F1B-054F10E9A5D102' WITH BUFFERCOUNT = 18, BLOCKSIZE = 65536, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 1048576, NAME = N'Database (HRMS_Sample), 2/27/2008 12:59:10 PM', DESCRIPTION = N'Backup on 2/27/2008 12:59:10 PM  Server: VONNAT8  Database: HRMS_Sample'

2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: VDI error 1010: Failed to get the configuration from the server because the timeout interval has elapsed. Check that the SQL Server instance is running and that you have the SQL Server System Administrator server role; or try increasing the value of the VDITimeout registry setting in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\[InstanceName]
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: 
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Memory profile
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Type             Maximum     Minimum     Average     Blk count   Total      
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: ---------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Commit           1072562176  4096        2336987     1234        2883842048 
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Reserve          4128768     8192        407059      187         76120064   
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Free             175841280   4096        1536457     170         261197824  
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Private          1072562176  4096        3292649     882         2904117248 
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Mapped           1536000     4096        148935      72          10723328   
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Image            7581696     4096        96619       467         45121536   
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: 
2/27/2008 12:59:40 PM: Warning 300: Backup failed.  Retry attempt: 1
2/27/2008 12:59:42 PM: BACKUP DATABASE [HRMS_Sample]  TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_2A145E3A-03CE-46FF-987E-3ED0481112E0', VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_2A145E3A-03CE-46FF-987E-3ED0481112E001', VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_2A145E3A-03CE-46FF-987E-3ED0481112E002' WITH BUFFERCOUNT = 18, BLOCKSIZE = 65536, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 524288, NAME = N'Database (HRMS_Sample), 2/27/2008 12:59:10 PM', DESCRIPTION = N'Backup on 2/27/2008 12:59:10 PM  Server: VONNAT8  Database: HRMS_Sample'

(snip 4 retry attemps)

I've tried fiddling with the options (my first try had Copy To Network enabled and encryption, I tried alternately disabling those), and manually restarting the SQL Backup services. Restarting the SQL Server isn't an option right at this moment, but I could do it tonight.

The server is Windows 2K3 Enterprise, fully patched up to the end of last month, and SQL Server 2000 SP4 with the Hotfix 2187 Rollup.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?

EDIT: I should mention that 5.2 worked perfectly on this machine, and that the GUI is being run right from the server.


1 comment

  • pkristolaitis
    Completely uninstalling the SQL Backup components, rebooting the server, and reinstalling fixed the problem.

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