This looks like you are using a version lower than 5.2
There was not a complete set of error handling information in previous versions so an unknown message was reported as "the parameter is incorrect".
Can you update to the latest version to see the correct windows error. -
I will apply FIX on next instance of issue. Thanks again.
I am using SQL Backup v5.2.0.2825. I have several backup jobs that work correctly but one at the moment gives me the same 'System Error 87 (The parameter is incorrect) plus a warning 210: Error writing to backup file. The database being backed up is very small arounb 50MB. The log indicates that the backup was successful.
SQL Backup log file
7/12/2007 10:37:49 AM: Backing up WTSUI (full database) to:
7/12/2007 10:37:49 AM:\Microsoft SQL Server\Backup\FULL_WTSUI.sqb
7/12/2007 10:37:49 AM: BACKUP DATABASE [WTSUI] TO DISK = 'D:\Microsoft SQL Server\Backup\<AUTO>.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', INIT, VERIFY, COMPRESSION = 0
7/12/2007 10:37:53 AM: Thread 0 error:
Error 620: Error writing to backup file(s).
7/12/2007 10:37:53 AM: Warning 210: Thread 0 warning:
Warning 210: Error writing to backup file:\Microsoft SQL Server\Backup\FULL_WTSUI.sqb
Warning: System error 87 (The parameter is incorrect)
Processed 6056 pages for database 'WTSUI', file 'WTSUI_Data' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'WTSUI', file 'WTSUI_Log' on file 1.
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 6057 pages in 3.403 seconds (14.578 MB/sec). -
My problem seems to have magically fixed itself over the weekend !
I hate problems like this because you can't be sure when they are going to re-appear. -
Was this ever resolved ? I have same error with one of my databases. The other six databases are backed up successfully. It started happening three days ago.
Thank you
Oleg -
The original issue was caused by an error being presented that wasn't captured correctly.
Can you ensure that you are using the latest version of the software on the server, and if you still obtain this error message contact support directly.
We will then get you to email over some log files, or increase the logging to find out what the issue is.
Dan -
Error 87 was caused by a bug in SQL Backup, which happens rarely, but does happen. The last block of the backup file will not be written to disk. In some cases, you may fail to restore from that backup file.
You should at least upgrade to version 5.3, as this bug was fixed then.
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I have batch process that (1) determines dbases that are in valid state; (2) performs DBCC commands (3) dynamically builds backup syntax (4) captures errors and generates support cases for those... Below LOGS are of Error run and Good run...
Below is error LOG
Below is same dbase, night before...