Recently I have not been able to restore from our backup files which are about 685MB in size. I have a feeling the size is the problem, but not sure how to resolve it. I have searched the forums, but didn't find the same situation as mine, with a solution.

The backup is created on the server, then stored on a backup location. I am using my desktop system to restore the file. My desktop and the server are using SQLBackup 4.2

When I try to restore to my desktop, it runs for several hours and I finally just give up. I don't restore these files very often, but I believe in the past they usually have restored in about 45 minutes.

I tried installing the trial for SQLBackup 5 on another machine, and I tried restoring again. This time, I got the "VDI Error 1010: Failed to get confirmation from the server." message. It runs for quite a while before returning this message. And, yes, the permissions are fine and nobody else is using the database.

My backup application uses the following command to create the backup:
objCommand.CommandText = "master..sqlbackup N'-SQL ""BACKUP DATABASES [" & strDatabaseName & "]  " & _
	" TO DISK = ''" & strLocalBackupPath & "<AUTO>'' WITH NAME = ''<AUTO>'', " & _

I saw some posts about MAXTRANSFERSIZE, but not sure how to use it. Any help would be appreciated. Currently, I am using native SQL backup which takes hours...



  • petey
    Download the SQB2MTF GUI application from here, and try converting the SQL Backup file. If it fails, what are the errors that are reported?

  • R J
    Thanks for the response.

    Interesting, the error was:
    File read error for 46800 bytes. Backup file is incomplete or corrupted.
    R J
  • petey
    Does this happen towards the beginning/middle/end of the file? Does it happen for all files?

  • R J
    I believe it's towards the end, but can't be sure. Since the file is large, everything takes a while, so I don't sit and watch it the whole time.

    It happens with all of the new files. Anything older than a couple weeks ago seems to be fine. I have a feeling it is because of the size. I saw some people mention changing compression to 2 instead of 3 for large files. So, I might try that.
    R J
  • petey
    Could you please check if the logs for the backups indicate any errors? The default folder for the logs is <system folder>:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log\<instance name>.
  • R J
    11/3/2007 2:54:57 PM: VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role. Error code: (-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
    11/3/2007 2:55:02 PM: SQL error 3013: RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
    11/3/2007 2:55:02 PM: SQL error 3101: Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.


    The database was not in use. The error message is the same, even after rebooting, or when trying to restore to a brand new database. If I select an older file, I can restore with no problem.
    R J
  • petey
    Actually, I was wondering if you could check the logs for the backups, to see if there were any errors reported. Thanks.
  • R J
    It looks like sometimes it gets an error, but it retries then everything is successful. On the 3rd, which is when the fiile I was working with was created, there were no errors in the log. On the 4th, there was an error:
    11/4/2007 4:00:15 AM: VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server.  Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role.  Error code:  &#40;-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.&#41;
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: SQL error 3013: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: 
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Memory profile
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Type             Maximum     Minimum     Average     Blk count   Total      
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: ---------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Commit           657653760   4096        2275445     787         1790775296 
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Reserve          1028096     4096        341584      147         50212864   
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Free             161755136   4096        2070472     148         306429952  
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Private          657653760   4096        3524985     510         1797742592 
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Mapped           1060864     4096        132585      46          6098944    
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Image            6156288     4096        98271       378         37146624   
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: 
    11/4/2007 4:05:46 AM: Warning 300: Backup failed.  Retry attempt: 1

    After the retry, it was successful.
    R J
  • petey
    Would it be possible for you to send me a couple of the backup files that cannot be restored? How large are they?
  • R J
    685MB. However, allowing others to access the data is basically impossible because of the type of data we're storing.
    R J
  • petey
    Sorry, I forgot that you already mentioned the backup size in your first post.

    Is your situation now as follows:
    - every backup that you have created for that database in the last 2 weeks cannot be restored on your workstation
    - no errors were reported for the backups (error codes >= 500). Backups that suceeded on retries are ok.

    Do you restore directly from the original backup file, or from a copy? If it is from a copy, could you please compare if the original and copy are identical (e.g. using a hash generator).

    Would it also be possible to create the backups on another disk, to eliminate the possibility that it is a disk issue?

  • R J
    I wrote something to run native SQL backup then zip and ftp the file. That works, it just takes longer. I have been swamped with other things, so I will do some testing later. I read in some other threads where it was suggested to try setting the compression to 2, but I have not tried that yet.
    R J
  • petey
    The error referred to in the other threads would result in a failed backup. In your case, the backups appear to be succeeded, since no errors were reported.

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