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SQB did not acknowledge receipt of data

I am trying to add a server SQL backup using SQL server authentication. Connection is failing with this error code:
SQB service did not acknowledge receipt of data (WAIT_TIMEOUT

We created a backup job on this server, it was running fine for long and than it failed. I login to server, start redgate, adding SQL server is giving me this error. When I am running the job previuosly created on red-gate in SQL server studio, I am getting a failure code 5250.
Standard troubeshooting is not providing any colution, please advise specifics steps to resolve this issue.




  • petey
    What happens when you run the following from Query Analyzer/Management Studio:
    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-sql "BACKUP DATABASE model TO DISK = [c:\model.sqb] WITH INIT"'
  • kirk lanctot
    I get the same error after doing several successful restores to a new server. The version I am running is ( on SQL 2005 64 bit enterprise ver (9.0.3186) I have confirmed that the agent was running, and then stopped/started it. No help.

    Results of test:

    EXEC master..sqlbackup '-sql "BACKUP DATABASE model TO DISK = [c:\model.sqb] WITH INIT"'

    After 15 seconds:

    ERRSQB: 5240 (SQB service did not acknowledge receipt of data. (WAIT_TIMEOUT)) ()

    exitcode 5240
    sqlerrorcode 0
    kirk lanctot
  • petey
    I've sent you a private message with instructions on how to turn on the debugging information for the SQL Backup applications. Could you pls send me the resulting log files?


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