Just a thought spurred by another product I use
Aliases are created automatically , for eg I have a table called MachineMaintenanceActivityLog , in app I manage , I always get mmal as an alias
Wouldn't it be a nice labour saving if I revers the alias
such as
Select * From mmal
and get
Select * from MachineMaintenanceActivityLog
and the like as a continuation
Viual Assist X does this in VS 2005 , ProcessDataSet , appears when you type pds , they call it Acronyms for obvious reasons
Just a thought spurred by another product I use
Aliases are created automatically , for eg I have a table called MachineMaintenanceActivityLog , in app I manage , I always get mmal as an alias
Wouldn't it be a nice labour saving if I revers the alias
such as
Select * From mmal
and get
Select * from MachineMaintenanceActivityLog
and the like as a continuation
Viual Assist X does this in VS 2005 , ProcessDataSet , appears when you type pds , they call it Acronyms for obvious reasons