Compare to backup will probably save much time and hassle. Seems to work the same as live database comparisons. Should switching synchronization direction even be an option if it's not a valid option?

Switch the synchronization direction brought up the object differences window of the currently selected table. Also, it's no different than version 5, but it might be nice to have a single click on a table show the difference docked and a double click to show floating. Ideally with the option as a preference. It can be cumbersome when working with a single monitor, but very smooth with two.

Love the show mirgration SQL button. I usually used the "View SQL Script" in the synchronization wizard.

I love the pivot view, but it would be useful if the results were vertical. Or, at least have the option for my scroll wheel to to page horizontally. I have very few tables with more than 10 columns, so I would rarely need to scroll vertically.

Will there be a help file that does not require Internet access? Sometimes I'm working at a customer site with no access to the Web.

I'm not sure about the optional saving feature. I can't remember a time that I'm made changes that I didn't want to see the next time I opened the project.

I think the next/previous buttons are a no brainer addition. Glad to see them!

On first load, created a new project, then clicked on "Comparison Projects..." without saving the new project. Took so long, I gave up waiting. Issue was not seen after saving project. Did not see the issue after the very first load of the program.

The delete button is disabled on the initial project created and saved. This was not an issue after closing and restarting the program.

Next/Previous does not scroll the window to the current row

Shortcut in start menu has limited right click options.


1 comment

  • JonathanWatts
    I think you are refering to SDC 6 Alpha, so I have moved this topic to the correct forum.

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