Could you let me know what errors you are getting? SQL Compare shouldn't normally generate any errors.
- Neil -
This is Error Number One
This is Error Number Two
This is Error Number Three:
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[515] Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'SDate', table 'SSLeSueurCopy.dbo.Jail_Record_Suicide'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.
The following SQL command caused the error:
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Jail_Record_Suicide] DROP
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Jail_Record_Suicide] ALTER COLUMN [Jail_ID] [int] NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Jail_Record_Suicide] ALTER COLUMN [SDate] [datetime] NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Jail_Record_Suicide] ALTER COLUMN [STime] [datetime] NOT NULL
This is Error Number Four
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[515] Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID', table 'SSLeSueurCopy.dbo.tmp_rg_xx_IR_Statement'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The following SQL command caused the error:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tmp_rg_xx_IR_Statement]([Case_ID], [Case_Number], [SSQ], [SDate], [STime], [SLocation], [SName], [DOB], [Age], [SSN], [SAddress], [SCity], [SState], [SZip], [SPhone], [SEmployer], [Officer], [Officer_ID], [SNarrative], [Complete_Date], [Complete_Time], [WitnessA], [WitnessB], [MNI_No], [SType]) SELECT [Case_ID], [Case_Number], [SSQ], [SDate], [STime], [SLocation], [SName], [DOB], [Age], [SSN], [SAddress], [SCity], [SState], [SZip], [SPhone], [SEmployer], [Officer], [Officer_ID], [SNarrative], [Complete_Date], [Complete_Time], [WitnessA], [WitnessB], [MNI_No], [SType] FROM [dbo].[IR_Statement]
This is Error Number Five
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[515] Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UCR_CHECK_ID', table 'SSLeSueurCopy.dbo.tmp_rg_xx_List_Box_UCR_Check'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The following SQL command caused the error:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tmp_rg_xx_List_Box_UCR_Check]([ERRORDER]) SELECT [ErrOrder] FROM [dbo].[List_Box_UCR_Check]
The following messages were returned from the SQL Server:
Error Six
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[515] Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Action', table 'SSLeSueurCopy.dbo.tmp_rg_xx_Menu_List'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The following SQL command caused the error:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tmp_rg_xx_Menu_List]([ID], [ReportName], [ReportType], [Report_Description], [City], [State], [User_Level], [PreFunction], [Identifier], [Order]) SELECT [ID], [ReportName], [ReportType], [Report_Description], [City], [State], [User_Level], [PreFunction], [Identifier], [Order] FROM [dbo].[Menu_List] -
Are you adding columns which are marked as NOT NULL here? If you are, then you should specify a default so SQL Server knows what values to insert.
So know I know which columns in which tables are causing the problem. I cannot set the coumns in the tables to allow NUlls because they are Primary Keys. Can I tell the program to disregard just that field in that table. Or would I have to do this via editing the escript.
Thank you Neil -
Can you specify a DEFAULT value for those columns?
This issue has been resolved, Thank you. But I would like to know if you company is aware of a program that will do what this program does for MS Access Mdb's. Thank you, you can email me directly if you would like.
Sorry, I'm not aware of any product for Access.
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