I did a command line restore and it appears the original error I posted is gone but now I get this. is this because the original backup I am restoring from is bad?
(LOCAL): Restore - Failed
Restoring full backup - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring TopCronus (database) from:\MSSQL\MSSQL\BACKUP\TopCronusFull\FULL_(local)_TopCronus_20070709_203254.sqb
Thread 0 error:
Data decompression error: ZLib decompression error: buffer error
SQL error 3013: SQL error 3013: RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
SQL error 3241: SQL error 3241: The media family on device 'SQLBACKUP_3A979411-A48E-4BD4-BCC4-DCBEE8B50DCB' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family.
SQL Backup exit code: 790
SQL error code: 3241
Updating SQL Server information - Pending
Operation pending. -
Yes, it would appear that there is a problem with the backup file. Were you using compression level 2 or 3? Thanks.
Can you also confirm the version of SQL Server 2000 you have installed? You need to have SP 3a or later installed.
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I'm very new to this product and am not sure what is going on here. It is as if it cannot connect to the local SQL server, it seems like I am missing something simple. I also wonder how it creates the logical files, how do I tell them where to go?
REMOTEDC: Restore - Failed
Restoring full backup - Failed
This operation failed with errors.
Restoring TopCronus (database) from:
VDI error 1000: Failed to create virtual device. Check that the SQL Server instance you are trying to connect to is running. Error code: (-2139684857: Failed to recognize the SQL Server instance name.)
Memory profile
Type Maximum Minimum Average Blk count Total
Commit 13500416 4096 124522 666 82931712
Reserve 637870080 16384 14860038 115 1708904448
Free 191000576 4096 2653596 134 355581952
Private 637870080 4096 5706638 306 1746231296
Mapped 1060864 4096 129280 48 6205440
Image 6156288 4096 92270 427 39399424
SQL Backup exit code: 1000
Updating SQL Server information - Pending