The version 5 installer for the server components is cluster aware by design, so should perform all of the necessary steps covered in the v4 clustering document.
The installer must be run from the active node, and you must select the clustered installation option when prompted.
If this installs correctly the components will also be installed on the passive node(s), as well as all the clustering resources being set up automatically.
If the installer warns that it could not install the components on the passive node, you can run the installer on the passive node (again as a clustered installation) and it should fill in anything that could not be performed from the active node.
To upgrade the server components to 5.1, just run the updated installer from the active node, fill in the details required for the clustered installation, and you should be good to go.
If you need more specific information or help on the above, feel free to follow-up on the forum, or drop me an email.
Jason -
I checked again and there were no program files (i.e. C:\Program Files\Red Gate) on the passive node. I took your advice and then ran the installer on the passive node and it looks like everything went ok.
However I want to clarify what you said about the upgrade. You said run 5.1 or whatever in the future on the Active node. Do you mean the active host or the virtual device? Seems like I would have the same issue as before if I ran it only on the active node and have to upgrade on both nodes.
I ran 5.1 Update on Active Node and checked the Version # on the virtual device and it reported 5.1. I then moved the resources to Node 2 (Passive) and checked the Version # on the virtual device and it reported 5.0. Then ran the update installer on Node 2 and rechecked virtual device version and it showed 5.1.
Also just FYI the cluster aware installer did not place any dependencies on the SQLBackupAgent resource. Normally there would be 2...SQL Server and SQL Server Agent. -
When installing the SQL Backup 5 server components, you need to install from the active host (i.e. the physical hardware) - nothing needs to be installed to the virtual cluster or clustered sql server... SQL Backup will handle that part of it.
When upgrading, the steps are much the same as for an install - the only difference is that some of the steps may be skipped in the installer (for example, you may not be asked for service credentials or windows/sql authentication details again).
While the upgrade should go smoothly, if the components are not upgraded on the second node, copying the installer to the second node and running the installer by hand (as a clustered install) will resolve the problem. No additional action is required to "synchronise" the two upgrades.
Hope that helps,
Jason -
Regarding your updated comment - As long as the SQL Backup Agent exists as a clustered resource, and both nodes return the same version number for the server components, then you've completed the upgrade successfully.
As for the dependencies [SQL Server and Disk; SQL Server Agent if using SQL Backup Jobs], this is a known issue with the 5.x installer. I have previously mentioned this to the developers and I hope that it will be included in a future release - but unfortunately I do not have any additional information on when that may be.
Jason -
To install SQL Backup v5.1 on an active - active cluster do we have to do anything special, or do we just install it on both sides?
Another cluster ? ..... I setup my backup v5 jobs on node1 but when I move the sql server and sqlserverbackupagent generic resource to node 2 and start SQL Backup those jobs, the server, etc are not present in SQL Backup.
However I have another cluster with version 4 that works correctly and the jobs, server, et al show on the other node.
A fluke or a difference in versions?
How do I get those jobs to show on both nodes? -
You need to run the installation twice, once for each instance. As for where you run it from, it needs to be ran from a cluster node, but need not be the active node for the instance, as long as your cluster user has rights to access all nodes from where you are installing from.
In order for the SQL Backup tasks/jobs to display on both nodes, you need to link a couple of registry keys to the SQL Backup Agent service cluster resource. See for details.
I successfully installed SQL Backup v5.1 onto both sides of our active-active cluster. However, when I try to "Add a SQL Server" it doesn't connect and I receive this message when I pull up its properties:
"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. While connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)."
We are running SQL 2000 on this cluster, not SQL 2005.
Do you have any suggestions?
Mike -
Are you using the same server/instance name to connect as when using Query Analyzer?
Peter, you're a genius! I had the physical server name rather that the virtual server name entered before the instance name. That fixed it!
Thanks!!! -
A few weeks ago you referenced the topic for the tasks/jobs to display on both nodes. That post you reference is slightly confusing because it was for v4. Anyhow the SQLBackupAgent cluster resource was created by the install
but I did all a 3rd replicated registry key for :
Software\Wow6432Node\Red Gate\SQL Backup\InstalledInstances\<instance name>\ServiceLogin
The other key mentioned in the post already existed. So I added the key and when I move the cluster to the passive node, which has v5.1 installed, the server that I added on the active node is not there. To reiterate, I have installed v5.1 on each node and each node has been activated via the ProductActivation.exe.
Am I missing something or do the server listings, etc not "replicate" across nodes? -
the server that I added on the active node is not there
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These were the instructions for V4: ... php?t=1880
I followed the above for V5 but some things appeared to be different.
Both nodes did not get the program files. The cluster resource looks as if it
was created automatically.
Also the version I installed on the first node was 5. What is the process to upgrade to 5.1?