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Synchonizing Filtering

When we need to sync, soure and target databases, there shoudl be a option to select the category fo objects.
For example, If I wan tot select, only new objects there is no qucik way of doing it. I need to deselect all the other options.
Problem with this is 1. Time consuming 2. Risky



  • JonathanWatts
    Hi there,

    May I ask what you mean by only new objects? If you mean objects that only exist in the source database then there is a method for doing this.

    1) Select group by difference type
    2) Select the "None" button on the only in target and in both but different grouping bars in the main grid.

    If I have miss understood your problem can you post and example and we will see that we can do to address it.


  • dineshasanka
    yes that how i am doing.
    but my point is, isn't it better to have some button so that you can simple ignore the unwanted objects.
  • dineshasanka
    just to add to the above topic,
    if i want to select new tables only, there is no easy way of doing it.
  • JonathanWatts
    Unfortunately everyone works different ways, whilst you only want the objects in the source database, another user may want users in the source database and the objects in both that are different.

    We feel that whilst there a few extra clicks in the current process it is the best way at the moment for everyone.

    SQL Compare v4 used to have status filters which I really liked and might have helped you in this situation (as you wouldn't have to navigate the grid to filter from sync). They got cut in v5 and I have been trying ever since to get them back in. Especially now we have the group by object type and no grouping option. However, time restrictions meant that these filters haven't made it this time, I will however keep pushing for this though.
    dineshasanka wrote:
    just to add to the above topic,
    if i want to select new tables only, there is no easy way of doing it.
    I take it that the object filters aren't helping you with this?
  • dineshasanka
    yes that is true. I have a practice to create a script each for diffrent object. SO that it will be easy to refer later.

    Not only your product, there are few other products that supports this facilty

    ApexDiff also have this facility
  • Andrew H
    dineshasanka wrote:
    just to add to the above topic,
    if i want to select new tables only, there is no easy way of doing it.

    You can do this, but the interface doesn't make it as easy as it could be:

    * Bring up the filter pane and use the right-click menu to deselect all of the SQL Server 2000 and 2005 object types.
    * Reselect the 'table' object type
    * In the grid, use the difference type grouping mode and click the 'All' button for the group of new tables. (You must have at least one new table present as an example in order to do this)

    This will give you a SQL Compare project that will only synchronise the new tables in your database. You can add new object types using the filter panel.

    It is actually also possible to do more complicated things like select only new tables and views that need to be deleted using a combination of the object type and difference type grouping modes but it's very tricky to get it right. This certainly seems like an area in which the interface can be enhanced.
    Andrew H

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