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feature request for Project Screen

Let me describe the usage scenario first.

Pretend that i have been in SQL Compare for a while already. I just got done rolling some code in one project.
I want to switch to another project. I will hit the 'Comparison Project' button. This will bring up all my projects... and with the new search area, i can search it. But i have to click in it... then start typing.

Call me lazy, but what if i could start typing when that screen comes up, and it would start typing in the search box automatically? that would save me some time...

I guess the same could be said for the main screen, after the comparision was completed.

Since there is little else that can accept a textual input on either of those screens, why not have normal typing automatically start filling in the search box?

this would be nice.



  • JonathanWatts

    It is unlikely that we would do this on the main grid as we would want the main grid to have focus for keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+A rather than the find box.

    Similarly this would mean that the Compare Now button on the Projects Dialog loses focus so you cannot key enter to start a project running. However, I imagine that would have less of effect.

    I will have a chat with our usability guys and let you know.


  • TJayBelt
    its been a while since i actually coded windows applications, seeing that i have taken the DBA route, but i do recall that you could capture specific keys and key combinations to perform certain tasks. The hot key is one thing. The focus of the enter button is another. I would think that typing would be another capturable event, recognizing letters that are not used in the hot key combinations, and that the typing is not the enter key, and route them to the search input control...
    maybe im dreaming and remembering a reality that didnt exist...

    but thanks for the reply
  • TJayBelt
    i've spoken with some of the developers here, that are more up to date on winforms applications than myself. All of them think that intercepting the characters typed in, and differentiating between control chars and enter, is easily done. its tougher in a webpage, but not in winforms.

    I would think you could do it.

    I have thought that i may have to simply use the hot keys for the find box.. but wouldnt you know it, both hot keys for the two different screens are different... Alt+F on one, and Alt+D on the other...

    i hate to beat a dead horse, but anything to save me keystrokes, or mouse movement, will improve my speed, and get me home earlier...
  • JonathanWatts
    TJayBelt wrote:
    I have thought that i may have to simply use the hot keys for the find box.. but wouldn't you know it, both hot keys for the two different screens are different... Alt+F on one, and Alt+D on the other...

    Oops :oops:, will get that fixed, but strangely Ctrl+F will work on both forms.
  • rgribble
    Related to this, i find it odd that if i type in a search string on the PRojects page, eg a server name, and then sort by a column (say datasource, or last compared date)

    I open a project and work with it, then when im done, i want to compare another database... i press Comparison Projects button, and when the project selection screen comes up, it has not remembered my search phrase or my sort column.

    i have to drop the search box comobox part, and select my top saved search phrase again. Then click the column i want to sort by

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