First apologies if this has already been suggested... I did not see it.

SQL Doc is nice, but when first documenting a database, and when there is a LOT to document, the user interface becomes tedious.

For example, if I want to put in a description for oh, say, 200 tables in a database, the user interface currently required me to scroll right until I get the edit icon, then click it, then enter the description.

Then, when I enter it, I have to start the whole process over. Then, when I get to the bottom of the first 'page' in the interface, it gets more tedious as I then have to scroll down to get to the next page that I need to edit, then scroll right, etc.

The interface is fine for the spot updates, but for massive updating, it just isn't very user friendly.

If there were a way to create something as an intermediate file, say, output a table list from a database to an excel spreadsheet. Column A contains table names. Column B would be the description. The user could rapidly type in descriptions, then click a button to read the spreadsheet back in, therby updating the table descriptions.

I also envision the same thing being useful for column descriptions per table.

It would be ever so much more useful with this type of 'mass description entry' feature.


Randy Volters

P.S. If there is a way to do this already, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
Went through the documentation and didn't see anything but the 'click the edit button, enter text into the text box, click OK' approach.


1 comment

  • jfollas
    Hi-jacking this Feature Request thread....

    For the pages documenting Views, I'd love to see information added to the list of columns in the view that tell which table the column comes from, or if it's a computed column, just say "(computed)" or something like that.

    The additional information would give me an easy way to verify that my views are grabbing data from the right places without needing to read the SQL in the DDL script.

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