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UH OH !! why can't I restore from a 4.5 backup file?

EMERGENCY - I have a phone call in on this, but if someone knows the answer and can provide a post here, I'll take whatever help I can get.

Made a backup of a database this AM at 9 with 4.X.
Updated to 5 at 10 AM.
At 4 PM, the developers came to me and asked me to restore the 9 AM backup as force restore - basically they want the database restored to the condition it was in when I backed it up at 9.

I said "no problem", selected restore in SQL Backup 5, and after a bit, was told I could not restore that backup as there were other backups for that database that were more recent?!

I don't care about that. The database is in simple recover mode, and I ought to get able to select any previous backup of that database and force restore over it, just as I did in the 4.x version of the product.

Anyone know what gives here? Am I doing something wrong or what?

Thanks in advance.



  • James Moore

    Are you attempting the restore via the GUI or the xproc directly? Who are you talking to in the office?

    - James
    James Moore
  • James Moore
    Ahh Randy,

    Sorry was trying to rack my brains as to where this error message comes from -

    I know what is causing this - if you right click on the item in the backup history and choose restore if another backup has been taken more recently to the same location then the intelli restore will persume the file which you are trying to restore has been overwritten by the later backup.

    This can be worked around by opening the restore wizard and choosing "restore from file" and browsing the the file explictily - if the intelli restore - ie the grid on the first page of the restore wizard is not showing the most recent backups to each location for the database then could you let me know and I will look into it.

    Hope this helps,

    - James
    James Moore
  • randyv
    James -

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, they are training late tonight, and appear to be using the database so I'll have to wait to confirm. But I did get through the operation, it just failed because the database is in use.

    I'll post a success story after I get everyone off and have successfully restored.

  • randyv
    James -

    That worked.

    thanks much

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