The backup speed is stored in the logical_device_name column in the msdb..backupmediafamily table. Could you pls post the contents of one of these columns for a backup that was performed using SQL Backup?
e.g. to retrieve the value for the latest backup of the pubs databaseSELECT TOP 1 a.logical_device_name FROM msdb..backupmediafamily a INNER JOIN msdb..backupset b ON a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id WHERE b.database_name = 'pubs' ORDER BY b.backup_start_date DESC
If the value is empty, could you pls check the contents of the log file to see if there were any warnings? By default, the log files are stored in <system drive>:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log\<instance name> -
Here is the value of logical_device_name for a backup:
Red Gate SQL Backup (
The report for that same backup was mailed to me and had this information:
BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 14758649 pages in 7020.288 seconds (17.221 MB/sec).
It came as a success, without warnings.
The exact same information is in the log file.
In the GUI the compression speed is reported as 0. -
Could you pls download a patched command line version of SQL Backup from, and try backing up a test database to see if the speed is recorded correctly? Thanks.
Yup, patched version worked...
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On all our servers this column is 0,000 MB/sec, but in the reports I get in mail the speed is listed. Any way to fix this?