In Ants v2 i used to be able to open two Ants instances so could compare profile results side by side (say one with a block of code and one with it commented out). When i try to run the second instance of v3 it just re-activates the one that's already running. PLEASE tell me you didn't turn off the ability to run two instances simultaneously. The tool will be much less useful without this.



  • bradirby
    Just so you can understand the trouble not having multiple instances causes, in v3 i now have to open one snapshot and take a screenshot which i paste into Paint, then open my second snapshot and try to compare the Paint version with the open Ants version. You can image what i have to do when i want to compare the second method call.
  • Robert C

    I'm afraid we did indeed - sorry that this is something that you miss!

    The reasoning behind this was roughly as follows. When using the Visual Studio Add-In, I forsee most people doing some development, profiling the application, switching back to VS to make some changes, profiling again, and so on.

    If we'd left the behaviour as it was previously, you could very easily end up with hundreds of copies of ANTS running at the same time! We therefore decided that it would be better if the original copy was re-used rather than starting up a new copy.

    Since you can't have more than one copy profiling at the same time, allowing lots of copies to be run could also lead to confusion if trying to start profiling in copy A whilst a session was already in progress in copy B.

    Looking ahead to the future, presumably the ability to have several sets of results open would solve your problem? If so, we'll add this to the list of feature requests for the next version!

    Many thanks for the feedback,
    Robert C
  • bradirby
    i don't think you're giving your users enough credit. We're smart enough to know that we need to close down one session before starting another, and we're definitely smart enough to realize that 20 windows of teh same app is probably not a good idea.

    Viewing multiple results in the same instance really doesn't cut it because you'd need a 20 inch monitor to be able to see enough of each, side by side, to be able to work efficiently. As it is, i use two monitors with one Ants instance in each and it works very well.

    Can Ants v2 read the profile resutls from Ants v3? CAn i have both versions installed? If not, then i'm sticking to v2.
  • Robert C

    I'm sure people do realise that lots of instances are bad - but I was still ending up with quite a lot sitting around myself; I just naturally alt-tab'd back to Visual Studio rather than actually closing the instance.

    With respect to keeping version two installed as well - this is absolutely fine, but I'm afraid the results files are not interchangeable (the project files are).

    Many thanks,
    Robert C

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