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Cannot restore DIFF with a new name

Theres an issue with the restore wizard in that you can't restore an existing database with a new name using a full and diff backup.

Steps to reproduce :
0. Click Restore... in the main window
1. Restore wizard step 1 (Select backups to restore):
a. Select from Backup History a database that has Differential backups.
b. Check the GUI also selected the last full backup.
c. Click Next
2. Restore wizard step 1 (verify backups):
a. two files should be in the list. A Diff and Full backup
b. click next
3. Restore wizard step 2 (select the destination database)
a. select "New database" and enter a new database name not in use
b. click Edit Database File Names, and enter new filenames that are not in use. Click ok.
c. click next

Note that the script window shows the correct syntax with the "WITH MOVE filename TO newlocation".

However when you click next you will recieve an error about the existing filenames being in use.

Also, despite the error doing the full restore, the app attempts to run the DIFF restore.



  • wallacea
    Hi Julian,

    I think the problem here is that when using the MOVE keyword, the path you are moving the datafiles to needs to exist, it is not created for you. The path probably should be created so I've raised this as an issue to our developers.

  • HJoyce
    Hi Julian

    I have reproduced this with valid MOVETO locations and although the script displayed is correct (and runs from outside the GUI) the GUI runs without the MOVETO keyword and hence fails.
    Thanks for reporting this and it will indeed be fixed asap.

  • JulianKuiters
    Thanks Helen.

    Alan, I had only changed the filenames, the rest of the path was still the same.

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