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Feedback received (with responses)

I've installed the beta copy on my test server and noticed a few things already...

1) I'm unable to restore from a UNC using the client.

We need to improve this to make sure it’s obvious that this is possible. You do this by selecting the ‘Browse for files’ radio button, clicking Add… button and then pasting a UNC file path in the ‘Browse for File’ dialog and clicking OK.

2) The help file is not always available by using the 'F1' key.

Yep, bug, thanks

3) There appear to be less options in the 'options' screen.

The Backup Alert options haven’t been implemented yet. They will be in the final release

4) When backing up from the client, there doesn't appear to be a command line option. Is this feature being deprecated?

No, it will be there… not implemented for the beta (well spotted!)

5) Can multiple databases be backed up/restored concurrently from the client, similar to M'soft Studio Manager?

If you select to backup multiple databases in the Back Up wizard these will occur sequentially. You can do concurrent backups if you start backups via the wizard, then start more backups while the others are still running. We don’t offer to run backups (or restores) concurrently on the wizard as an option in case users inadvertently request this without realising what will happen to the performance of an individual backup and the stress on the server.

6) Will there be notifications of databases and/or log files that haven't been backed up within x amount of time, like there currently is?

Yes, Backup Alerts didn’t make it into the beta but will be in the final release

7) When a database in the client is highlighted, can the associated timeline(s) be highlighted too?

We are currently planning on putting horizontal grid lines to help with associating the timeline information with the database treeview on the left.


1 comment

  • HJoyce
    I had another idea... For each server, in the time line, it would be nice to see the total backup time for the number of databases that are backed up when the server is collapsed.

    For instance, on my test server there are 11 databases that are backed up. A time line is currently indicated for each database and I can approximate the time required for each database. When I collapse the server and just look at the server itself, I would like to see a total time line for the server. This would be especially useful for folks who have multiple servers that are backing up to the same target (in this case a SAN) so that perhaps the I/O could be adjusted to that the load is spread out over time.

    This is useful. We have thinking about what to show when the server is collapsed on the timeline if anything, so good to hear your opinion.

    In the current version of SQLBackup, there is a tab called "Users and Processes", will this be included in the new version also? I've found this to be quite useful in the past and would like to see this feature retained. Also, at one time the columns were 'sortable'. I'd like to see that feature come back where it makes sense (i.e.. Status, Database Name, Command, etc.).

    The In Progress tab shows the current SQL Backup processes running on a server. The SQL Server processes which were displayed on the Users and Processes tab in version 4 have gone for now because these are available from within SQL Server Management Studio and we felt it over complicated this tab and wasn’t specific to SQL Backup. Why did you find it useful within SQL Backup GUI? How important do you think this is?

    There are a few issues with sorting columns in the grids but these will be sorted out for the final release.

    I'd also like to see the individual database properties displayed when the database (or server) is right-clicked by the mouse (similar to the current display, but also include the database owner) so that one doesn't have to go to the file menu. In general, I'd like to have the more commonly used menu functions available by right-clicking the mouse - any chance that this could be a user configurable option?

    Database properties are available when you select a database, right click and select Properties from the context menu.

    (Alternatively select File -> Properties and then while the dialog is open you can select a database from the treeview to view the properties.)

    We are unlikely to make the menus user configurable. What menu functions aren’t available which you would like to see?

    I like the new user interface now that I'm getting used to it. The 'scheduled' indicator is a nice addition! You may want to consider labeling the 'slider' for the time line adjustment so folks know what it is. The button to jump to the current time in the middle of the time line is an excellent idea!


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