Hi thanks for the feedback. I will have a look at writing a simple tool that lets you import aliases and snippets but if I don't have time it is quite easy to do yourself. If you look at the user profile directory under Local Settings\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Prompt 3 there is an EngineOptions.xml file which contains all of the aliases. It is a simple xml file and should be easy to change.
Lionel -
Just what I was hoping for... Thanks!
Editing works a treat. BEWARE:
1 - You MUST update the COUNT Property as in the snippet below if you add/delete aliases by hand (2nd line)
2 - Make sure that Management Studio is CLOSED DOWN when you hand-edit the file or MS will overwrite your file when it next closes and you'll be out all your changes:
XML from EngineOptions.xml file:<UserDefinedAliases> <Count>132</Count> <UserDefinedAlias> <ObjectName>AddressBook</ObjectName> <Alias>ab</Alias> </UserDefinedAlias> ... </UserDefinedAliases>
If anyone else uses Extended Properties, here's the query I use to generate the XML (send results to TEXT to retain the line feed & return characters):SELECT N' <UserDefinedAlias>' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + N' <ObjectName>' + objname + N'</ObjectName>' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + N' <Alias>' + CAST(value AS NVARCHAR(10)) + N'</Alias>' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + N' </UserDefinedAlias>' FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty(default, 'user', 'dbo', 'table', default, default, default) WHERE NAME = N'TableAlias' ORDER BY 1
Hack as necessary!!!
The CAST(value AS nvarchar(10)) is needed to stop the precompiler barfing on the query!
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I've used an extended property TableAlias for every user table in my DB - the prospect of hand keying 100+ aliases (albeit only once) is a little offputting.
Text file, XML, query import, anything would be be well received...
Thanks for making such a huge improvement to this tool.