Lumbago wrote:I have to say that this is an awesome product! But there seems to be some trouble with indentation...under General -> Indentation I have set Characters to indent = 2 but this doesn't work for all cases:
INSERT INTO sometable SELECT * FROM someothertable
becomesINSERT INTO sometable SELECT * FROM someothertable
In other words it indents 8 characters after the insert but 2 characters after the select...
And another thing; it would be awesome if you could add an option to uppercase "pink" keywords in SSMS, meaning convert, dateadd, getdate() and so on...
the first bug we are aware of, and we have fixed it already, so the final product should indent more consistently. Thank you for reporting it. Please keep posting bugs, it is easier to fix them now than after the release.
Concernig pink keywords, we are looking into it (we have a completely seperate parser from Management Studio/SQL Server, so pink means less for us, but thank you for posting the example keywords (which are not really keywords)). There will be certain (non-)keywords we will not support, but we will try to include more and more for the final release.
Andras -
Thanx for the swift reply! And great news about the indentation...good work
Are the currently defined keywords in Refactor those I can find in BOL under "Reserved Keywords (Transact-SQL)"? The ones I was referring to were sql server functions I guess and the more you add the merrier 8) -
Lumbago wrote:Thanx for the swift reply! And great news about the indentation...good work
Are the currently defined keywords in Refactor those I can find in BOL under "Reserved Keywords (Transact-SQL)"? The ones I was referring to were sql server functions I guess and the more you add the merrier 8)
In our parser we support 7, 2000 and 2005 syntax simultaniously, which does have some issues (e.g. pivot, ... other keywords that are reserverd in 2005, but not in 2000). However, we decide on things being a keyword more based on particular statements (there is quite a lot of SQL Syntax that is legal, but is not in the SQL documentation), so we do not uppercase semi reserved keywords if they are used as a columnname.
Concerning system functions being uppercased, the final version will support these, and they will be uppercased.
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And another thing; it would be awesome if you could add an option to uppercase "pink" keywords in SSMS, meaning convert, dateadd, getdate() and so on...