I discovered that when i have the candidate option "Sql Server 2000 system tables" checkbox checked and then clear my cache and close connections, my Sql prompt stopped working properly in that no tables came up in the itellisense.
To resolve this bug I closed all my query analyser windows unchecked that option, cleared the cache closed all connections and very important I also had to exit the SQL Prompt program.
Then I started SQL prompt up again made sure the cache was cleared opend up query analyser made sure i was connected to the correct database and typed "Select" then space and pause while SQL Prompt loaded the data.
To resolve this bug I closed all my query analyser windows unchecked that option, cleared the cache closed all connections and very important I also had to exit the SQL Prompt program.
Then I started SQL prompt up again made sure the cache was cleared opend up query analyser made sure i was connected to the correct database and typed "Select" then space and pause while SQL Prompt loaded the data.