Which version of SQL Server are you using, and which service packs have been applied? Does the error occur immediately after you start the Backup Wizard, or at a specific step within the wizard? Thanks.
Hi Petey,
So we use MS SQL SERVER 2000 SE with SP4, and the error occurs at the second step (select the database to backup) of 6.
You have to know that before the install of SQL BACKUP yesterday we use sql-agent and standard Maintenance Plan without any problem. This is not a previous problem on SQL SERVER that comes on SQL BACKUP. -
Could you pls run Profiler to check which query is giving the problem, and post the query here? Thanks.
Please find here the last query made by SQL BACKUP before the crash :
exec sp_executesql N'exec sp_executesql @P1', N'@P1 nvarchar(59)', N'SELECT SUM(size * 8.0) / 1024 FROM [DATAMART_IVA]..sysfiles'
If you were to run the same query in Query Analyzer, do you get any errors?
Could you also pls send me the complete crash dump? Thanks. -
No problem when running SQL partSELECT SUM(size * 8.0) / 1024 FROM [DATAMART_IVA]..sysfiles
on query analyser
(1 row(s) affected)
For the crash dump you mean the error message box !? or something else ? Here the full message box text :: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE-DB status value, if available. No work was done.
Field[0]:COLUMN1 - invalid Value (Status = 2h) -
When you encountered the error, did a window pop up displaying a lot of details on the source of the error? If so, that is the crash dump that I would like to see.
Also, on your system, is . a decimal point, or a thousand separator? Thanks. -
Hi Peter
. is a decimal point.
There wasn't windows pop up displaying for this error. However, when we start SQLBACKUP, at the beginning, we've got two errors with a windows pop up.
In fact, it's a Error: 208, Severity: 16, State: 0, (there's no problem when running the same query in Query analyser).
Here the complete crash dump :date/time : 2006-09-15, 09:25:44, 640ms
computer name : SQL-BDC
user name : Administrator
operating system : Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 build 2195
system language : English
system up time : 142 days 20 hours
program up time : 1 second
processors : 2x Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.40GHz
physical memory : 1556/2048 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 9,95 GB
display mode : 800x600, 16 bit
process id : $1e8
allocated memory : 7,78 MB
executable : SQLBackup.exe
exec. date/time : 2006-08-15 09:22
version :
madExcept version : 2.7g
exception class : EInvalidOp
exception message : Invalid floating point operation.
main thread ($4b8):
00403253 SQLBackup.exe System @ROUND
005e2d65 SQLBackup.exe NxDisplays 1046 TProgressColumnDisplay.DrawProgressBar
006039c4 SQLBackup.exe NxDBDisplays 150 TNxDBProgressColumnDisplay.Paint
005d812b SQLBackup.exe NxCustomGridControl 1331 TNxCustomGridControl.DrawCell
005ffa11 SQLBackup.exe NxDBGrid 713 TNextDBGrid.DrawCell
005dac12 SQLBackup.exe NxCustomGridControl 2683 TNxCustomGridControl.PaintReportRows
005da167 SQLBackup.exe NxCustomGridControl 2440 TNxCustomGridControl.PaintReport
005db029 SQLBackup.exe NxCustomGridControl 2801 TNxCustomGridControl.Paint
006006a2 SQLBackup.exe NxDBGrid 1012 TNextDBGrid.Paint
004ad54b SQLBackup.exe Controls TCustomControl.PaintWindow
004a93ea SQLBackup.exe Controls TWinControl.PaintHandler
004a9917 SQLBackup.exe Controls TWinControl.WMPaint
004ad4e4 SQLBackup.exe Controls TCustomControl.WMPaint
004a61f4 SQLBackup.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
004a9253 SQLBackup.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
004e3e49 SQLBackup.exe TntControls 665 TWinControlTrap.WindowProc
004a5fc4 SQLBackup.exe Controls TControl.Perform
004a61f4 SQLBackup.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
004a9253 SQLBackup.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
004a8ed0 SQLBackup.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
00453474 SQLBackup.exe Classes StdWndProc
77fa15ec ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
004ab67e SQLBackup.exe Controls TWinControl.Repaint
004a5312 SQLBackup.exe Controls TControl.Refresh
005fe7d8 SQLBackup.exe NxDBGrid 216 TGridDataLink.DataSetChanged
0052eed6 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataLink.DataEvent
005fe790 SQLBackup.exe NxDBGrid 202 TGridDataLink.DataEvent
0052f441 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSource.NotifyLinkTypes
0052f465 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSource.NotifyDataLinks
0052f49f SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSource.DataEvent
00532cf2 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSet.DataEvent
00563334 SQLBackup.exe kbmMemTable 8452 TkbmCustomMemTable.DataEvent
00533881 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSet.First
005fe762 SQLBackup.exe NxDBGrid 190 TGridDataLink.ActiveChanged
0052ecf9 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataLink.SetActive
0052ed28 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataLink.UpdateState
0052ee26 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataLink.DataEvent
005fe790 SQLBackup.exe NxDBGrid 202 TGridDataLink.DataEvent
0052f441 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSource.NotifyLinkTypes
0052f465 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSource.NotifyDataLinks
0052f282 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSource.SetState
0052f2c9 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSource.UpdateState
0052f48c SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSource.DataEvent
00532cf2 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSet.DataEvent
00563334 SQLBackup.exe kbmMemTable 8452 TkbmCustomMemTable.DataEvent
00532d69 SQLBackup.exe DB TDataSet.EnableControls
00607034 SQLBackup.exe udm_Main 1009 TdmMain.ViewBackupHistory
007a7599 SQLBackup.exe uMain 4037 TfrmMain.RefreshBackupHistoryView
007a43f2 SQLBackup.exe uMain 3366 TfrmMain.WMConnectionWorkerThreadDone
004a61f4 SQLBackup.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
004a5fc4 SQLBackup.exe Controls TControl.Perform
004a6b29 SQLBackup.exe Controls TControl.CMMouseEnter
004a61f4 SQLBackup.exe Controls TControl.WndProc
004a9253 SQLBackup.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc
004bfdb5 SQLBackup.exe Forms TCustomForm.WndProc
004e3e49 SQLBackup.exe TntControls 665 TWinControlTrap.WindowProc
004a8ed0 SQLBackup.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc
00453474 SQLBackup.exe Classes StdWndProc
77e16482 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
004e3aac SQLBackup.exe TntControls 553 TWinControlTrap.Win32Proc
00453474 SQLBackup.exe Classes StdWndProc
77e16482 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
7175256f comctl32.dll #413
77e15778 user32.dll DispatchMessageA
004c63c3 SQLBackup.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage
004c63fa SQLBackup.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage
004c661a SQLBackup.exe Forms TApplication.Run
007acf4f SQLBackup.exe SQLBackup 77 initialization
thread $710:
77f839c7 ntdll.dll NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx
0042d067 SQLBackup.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
77d3ded5 RPCRT4.DLL
thread $4e0:
77f8915e ntdll.dll NtDelayExecution
7c4faca3 kernel32.dll SleepEx
7c4fac74 kernel32.dll Sleep
0042d067 SQLBackup.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
77a8ea3e ole32.dll
thread $650 (TWorkerThread):
77f94091 ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
7c4fc4c0 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7c4f1b16 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
004f2cbf SQLBackup.exe VirtualTrees 5129 TWorkerThread.Execute
0042d0d2 SQLBackup.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004518a8 SQLBackup.exe Classes ThreadProc
00404fb4 SQLBackup.exe System ThreadWrapper
0042d067 SQLBackup.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
004f2c06 SQLBackup.exe VirtualTrees 5092 TWorkerThread.Create
thread $618 (TConnectionManager):
77f94091 ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
7c4fc4c0 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7c4f1b16 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
00610470 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThreadManager 235 TConnectionManager.ProcessWorkerThread
0060fdb8 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThreadManager 122 TConnectionManager.Execute
0042d0d2 SQLBackup.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004518a8 SQLBackup.exe Classes ThreadProc
00404fb4 SQLBackup.exe System ThreadWrapper
0042d067 SQLBackup.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
0060fbc0 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThreadManager 44 TConnectionManager.Create
thread $5bc (TConnectionThread): <suspended>
77f9b42f ntdll.dll NtSuspendThread
7c51bc1a kernel32.dll SuspendThread
00451cb5 SQLBackup.exe Classes TThread.Suspend
0060f5d2 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThread 339 TConnectionThread.Execute
0042d0d2 SQLBackup.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
004518a8 SQLBackup.exe Classes ThreadProc
00404fb4 SQLBackup.exe System ThreadWrapper
0042d067 SQLBackup.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
0060e986 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThread 100 TConnectionThread.Create
thread $674 (TConnectionThread): <suspended>
7c4e9824 kernel32.dll
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
0060e986 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThread 100 TConnectionThread.Create
thread $6dc (TConnectionThread): <suspended>
7c4e9824 kernel32.dll
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
0060e986 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThread 100 TConnectionThread.Create
thread $6a0 (TConnectionThread): <suspended>
7c4e9824 kernel32.dll
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
0060e986 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThread 100 TConnectionThread.Create
thread $4a4 (TConnectionThread): <suspended>
7c4e9824 kernel32.dll
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
0060e986 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThread 100 TConnectionThread.Create
thread $4c8 (TConnectionThread): <suspended>
7c4e9824 kernel32.dll
>> created by main thread ($4b8) at:
0060e986 SQLBackup.exe u_ConnectionThread 100 TConnectionThread.Create
00400000 SQLBackup.exe C:\Program Files\Red Gate
02a90000 MSDATL3.dll 2.81.1117.0 C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB
02d60000 MSVCR71.dll 7.10.3052.4 C:\WINNT\system32
10000000 VNCHooks.dll C:\Apps\RealVNC\WinVNC
1f670000 MSDART.DLL 2.81.1117.0 C:\WINNT\system32
1f890000 oledb32.dll 2.81.1117.0 C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB
1f900000 OLEDB32R.DLL 2.81.1117.0 C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB
695e0000 olepro32.dll 5.0.4522.0 C:\WINNT\system32
70200000 wininet.dll 6.0.2800.1106 C:\WINNT\system32
70bd0000 SHLWAPI.DLL 6.0.2800.1106 C:\WINNT\system32
71710000 comctl32.dll 5.81.4916.400 C:\WINNT\system32
74cb0000 DBNETLIB.DLL 2000.85.1117.0 C:\WINNT\system32
74cd0000 DBmsLPCn.dll 2000.80.2039.0 C:\WINNT\system32
75020000 WS2HELP.DLL 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32
75030000 WS2_32.DLL 5.0.2195.6601 C:\WINNT\system32
75050000 wsock32.dll 5.0.2195.6603 C:\WINNT\system32
75150000 SAMLIB.DLL 5.0.2195.6666 C:\WINNT\system32
75170000 NETAPI32.dLL 5.0.2195.6601 C:\WINNT\system32
751c0000 NETRAP.DLL 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32
75370000 sqloledb.dll 2000.85.1117.0 C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB
753f0000 SQLOLEDB.RLL 2000.85.1117.0 C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\OLE DB
75500000 security.dll 5.0.2154.1 C:\WINNT\system32
759b0000 LZ32.DLL 5.0.2195.6611 C:\WINNT\system32
76620000 MPR.DLL 5.0.2195.6611 C:\WINNT\system32
76b20000 RICHED32.DLL 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32
76b30000 comdlg32.dll 5.0.3700.6693 C:\WINNT\system32
772b0000 RICHED20.DLL C:\WINNT\system32
77430000 MSASN1.DLL 5.0.2195.6666 C:\WINNT\system32
77440000 CRYPT32.dll 5.131.2195.6661 C:\WINNT\system32
77570000 winmm.dll 5.0.2161.1 C:\WINNT\system32
775a0000 CLBCATQ.DLL 2000.2.3504.0 C:\WINNT\system32
77800000 winspool.drv 5.0.2195.6659 C:\WINNT\system32
77820000 version.dll 5.0.2195.6623 C:\WINNT\system32
77950000 WLDAP32.DLL 5.0.2195.6666 C:\WINNT\system32
77980000 DNSAPI.DLL 5.0.2195.6680 C:\WINNT\system32
779b0000 oleaut32.dll 2.40.4522.0 C:\WINNT\system32
77a50000 ole32.dll 5.0.2195.6692 C:\WINNT\system32
77bf0000 ntdsapi.dll 5.0.2195.6666 C:\WINNT\system32
77d30000 RPCRT4.DLL 5.0.2195.6701 C:\WINNT\system32
77e10000 user32.dll 5.0.2195.6688 C:\WINNT\system32
77f40000 GDI32.DLL 5.0.2195.6660 C:\WINNT\system32
77f80000 ntdll.dll 5.0.2195.6685 C:\WINNT\system32
78000000 msvcrt.dll 6.1.9844.0 C:\WINNT\system32
782d0000 msv1_0.dll 5.0.2195.6680 C:\WINNT\system32
782f0000 shell32.dll 5.0.3700.6705 C:\WINNT\system32
7c0f0000 USERENV.dll 5.0.2195.6711 C:\WINNT\system32
7c2d0000 advapi32.dll 5.0.2195.6710 C:\WINNT\system32
7c340000 SECUR32.DLL 5.0.2195.6695 C:\WINNT\system32
7c4e0000 kernel32.dll 5.0.2195.6688 C:\WINNT\system32
7ca00000 rsabase.dll 5.0.2195.6619 C:\WINNT\system32
+ Computer
- ACPI Multiprocessor PC
+ Disk drives
+ Display adapters
- RAGE XL PCI (driver 5.0.2195.5022)
+ DVD/CD-ROM drives
- TSSTcorp CD-ROM TS-L162C
+ Floppy disk controllers
- Standard floppy disk controller
+ IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
- Primary IDE Channel
- Secondary IDE Channel
- Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
+ Keyboards
- Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard
+ Mice and other pointing devices
- PS/2 Compatible Mouse
+ Monitors
- Default Monitor
+ Multifunction adapters
- HP iLO Management Channel Interface Driver (driver 1.5.2195.0)
+ Network adapters
- HP NC7782 Gigabit Server Adapter (driver
- HP NC7782 Gigabit Server Adapter #2 (driver
+ Ports (COM & LPT)
- Communications Port (COM1)
- Communications Port (COM2)
+ SCSI and RAID controllers
- Smart Array 6i (driver
+ Sound, video and game controllers
- Audio Codecs
- Legacy Audio Drivers
- Legacy Video Capture Devices
- Media Control Devices
- Video Codecs
+ System devices
- ACPI Fixed Feature Button
- ACPI Thermal Zone
- Direct memory access controller
- Extended IO Bus
- HP ProLiant iLO Advanced System Management Controller (driver
- ISAPNP Read Data Port
- Logical Disk Manager
- Microcode Update Device
- Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
- Motherboard resources
- PCI bus
- PCI standard host CPU bridge
- PCI standard ISA bridge
- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
- PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
- Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
- Smart Array 5x and 6x Notification Driver (driver
- System speaker
- System timer
- Volume Manager
+ Universal Serial Bus controllers
- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
- Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
- USB Root Hub
00403250 public @ROUND: ; function entry point
00403250 sub esp, 8
00403253 > fistp qword ptr [esp]
00403256 wait
00403257 pop eax
00403258 pop edx
00403259 ret
CREATE TABLE #sqbdb (name nvarchar(128), dbid int, crdate datetime, filename nvarchar(260), dbstatus int, datasize int, logsize int, recovery nvarchar(12),
backuptype nvarchar(1), backupdate datetime)
INSERT INTO #sqbdb SELECT name, dbid, crdate, filename,
CASE WHEN status & 32 = 32 THEN 1 ELSE
CASE WHEN status & 1024 = 1024 THEN 2 ELSE
CASE WHEN status & 512 = 512 THEN 3 ELSE
CASE WHEN status & 256 = 256 THEN 4 ELSE 0 END
END AS DBStatus, 0, 0, null, null, null FROM master..sysdatabases
DECLARE @dbname sysname
DECLARE @dbnameex sysname
DECLARE @dbid integer
DECLARE @status integer
DECLARE @recoverymodel varchar(12)
DECLARE cr_databasenames CURSOR FOR
SELECT name, REPLACE(name, '''', '''''') nameex, dbid, status FROM master..sysdatabases
OPEN cr_databasenames
FETCH NEXT FROM cr_databasenames INTO @dbname, @dbnameex, @dbid, @status
IF @status & 544 = 0
SELECT @recoverymodel = CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbnameex, 'RECOVERY') AS varchar(12))
IF HAS_DBACCESS(@dbname) = 1
EXECUTE ('UPDATE #sqbdb SET datasize = (SELECT SUM(size) FROM ..sysfiles WHERE status & 64 = 0), logsize = (SELECT SUM(size) FROM ..sysfiles WHERE status & 64 = 64)' +
', recovery = ''' + @recoverymodel + ''' WHERE dbid = ' + @dbid)
FETCH NEXT FROM cr_databasenames INTO @dbname, @dbnameex, @dbid, @status
CLOSE cr_databasenames
DEALLOCATE cr_databasenames
INSERT INTO #sqbdb (name, dbid, backuptype, backupdate)
SELECT, b.dbid, a.type, MAX(a.backup_finish_date)
FROM msdb..backupset a
GROUP BY b.dbid,, a.type
SELECT * FROM #sqbdb ORDER BY name, backuptype
IF HAS_DBACCESS('msdb') = 1
USE msdb
IF (SELECT PERMISSIONS(OBJECT_ID('sysjobsteps'))) & 4097 = 4097
AND (SELECT PERMISSIONS(OBJECT_ID('sysjobhistory'))) & 4097 = 4097
AND (SELECT PERMISSIONS(OBJECT_ID('sysjobs'))) & 4097 = 4097
SELECT TOP 100 3 servernodeid, a.instance_id alertid, jobname, a.run_date, a.run_time, a.server, a.message, a.step_name, a.step_id
FROM msdb..sysjobhistory a
INNER JOIN msdb..sysjobs b ON a.job_id = b.job_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysjobsteps c ON a.job_id = c.job_id AND a.step_id = c.step_id
WHERE a.run_status IN (0)
AND a.run_date > 20060907
ORDER BY, a.instance_id desc
Could you pls try running SQLBackup.exe from another machine? You do not need to perform the full installation. Just copying that single executable file should do.
I think that your system handles numbers in a manner that's incompatible with SQL Backup, as both the errors that you have brought up have to do with calculations. Do try running just the GUI on another machine. Thanks. -
I tried from another machine (windows xp professional) and there's no error at the beginning.
Were you able to use the Backup Wizard on this machine?
I can see activity history, job failures and "users and processes", add New SQL server registration but i have the standard SQL backup licence so i can't do anything with a remote server.
Note that when we test the free-trial SQL backup V3.2.0.1 on our servers, we didn't have any problemes. Is it possible to use this version with a V4 licence ?
Thanks -
I wouldn't recommend using the version 3 gui with the version 4 engine. It's very different.
I have sent you a private message on how we can work towards identifying the cause of your problem.
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We've just install the last version of SQL BACKUP and we've got error : Multiple Step OLE-DB generate error
This error appears when we start a backup wizard on SQL BACKUP.
Do you already have a problem like that ? Or do you have a workaround ?
For your information please find here our spec