I have been an avid and ethusiatic user of versions 1 & 2 and as such I am probably coloured in my opionion of v3 as I am bound to compare .

I must admit after a couple of days of use I find V3 less helpful than the other versions and there are a number on annoyances which causes rework such as slecting a fieldname with its alias then dot , it inserts a second alias whcih you have to delete .

This is the list so far , but I am persevering to master V3 , but I must say it is less intuitive than V2

Issues Spotted So Far

No Auto fill of field names after Select * From as per V1 V2 this saves a lot of typing

Should be option to show field names in Order in Table design not just alphabetic

Candidate list not specific to table selected , if many field names (as is my case in some cases 10 fields in different tables with the same name ) the same slows you down. After table / Alias DOT it should show only that Table’s fields

Capitalisation of keyword in comments is ugly auto insert in comments same -- comments either /* */ or -- should turn off auto fill in ?

Doesn't work in Visual Studio 2005 (haven't tried 2003) query designer as V2

Auto Capitalise doesn't always work leaving a mixture of upper and lower case Keywords which is inconsistent

Auto suggest of Join Conditions has gone missing , used to provide a suggested Join condition A preferable behaviour would really show a series of suggested join conditions where they exist to be really good

In some conditions on far right of screen , the suggested candidates list is cropped and you can't see the Table Name to select properly

Double inserts table alias , if you choose an alias. then it re inserts the alias as you pick the field name



  • rjpaulsen
    I think several of your issues are being addressed in the final version.

    I think I read that they are not going to have another beta version before release, which is too bad because i'm guessing the beta version we are running is nothing like the current version.
  • MikeONeill
    I Agree , I suspect the final product will not exhibit the annoyances of this beta

    The unfortunate thing, as far as it goes ,is that is tarring SQLPrompt 3 with the wrong brush .

    I have to admit that yesterday I needed to do something quickly and I turned it off , quite simply it was more of a hinderance than an asset.

    I feel the whole concept is great but not at the expense of having ro re-edit code to remove the funnies that SQLPropmt 3 puts in for you unexpectedly.

    Afte following the threads in the forum , I believe to gain any support from the beta tester group who will no doubt be the customer base, and to better test the concept , Red Gate should fix a few of the more glaring anamolies and complaints and release a second Beta that will look closer to the final product.

    Things like the limited snippet list the ability to add snippets , the lack of table specific coandidate slist make this an inferiro product than v2

    I will persever because I think the product has potential but very soon my frustrations will make me revert to V2
  • amachanic
    I hope you're incorrect about the lack of a second beta! There were a huge number of blocking issues brought up in this first round of user testing, and who knows what other issues will be revealed once those core problems are out of the way... Actually, IMO, this felt more like an alpha test than a beta, given how many change requests there were. I think it's essential to the success of this product that Red Gate do at least one more beta round (and, preferably, more than one -- or perhaps one more beta and one or two RCs).
  • nanchen

    This is also my opinion: at least the most important bugs should be corrected in another beta version. Furthermore, I do not think that the most important bugs (in the view of the user, i.e. myself) are the most difficult to fix ...

    With kind regards,


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