When using a multi-line select statement, the column names aren't displayed after the "WHERE".
To reproduce, type "SELECT * " on the first line, type "FROM [dbo].[validtablename] AS a WHERE " and then Ctrl-SPACE. No column names appear. Putting the entire statement on one line and pressing Ctrl-SPACE shows the column names.
Some selections from the candidate list format the statement as multi-line, which makes occurrence of this more likely. An example would be typing "SELECT ", Ctrl-SPACE, select table name, press "."
This puts the "FROM" on the next line.
To reproduce, type "SELECT * " on the first line, type "FROM [dbo].[validtablename] AS a WHERE " and then Ctrl-SPACE. No column names appear. Putting the entire statement on one line and pressing Ctrl-SPACE shows the column names.
Some selections from the candidate list format the statement as multi-line, which makes occurrence of this more likely. An example would be typing "SELECT ", Ctrl-SPACE, select table name, press "."
This puts the "FROM" on the next line.