I enter the following SQL (in QA):
select * from InventoryTransfer AS it
and hit ctl-space. I get a list of All common objects. Unfortunately, every one of these is a guaranteed syntax error.

I think that at this point, it should be suggesting either SQL (WHERE, INNER JOIN, etc) or snippets.

Now let's type a little farther. Add a where (without a space) to the end of that line. Call up the suggestions, and it suggests WHERE. So far so good, I got capitalization.

But having made that replacement, I'm left in exactly the same place. Hitting ctl-space again gives only the same "WHERE" again.

I claim that when inserting SQL keywords, it should terminate the token by inserting a space as well. I could then walk through an entire statement by repeatedly hitting ctl-space and selecting. But right now, that won't work.



  • Tilman
    Hi Chris,

    You can insert the selection (given that you have enabled it) by pressing Space, aswell as Return. Does that solve your problem?


  • CWuestefeld
    Hmmm. It kinda does, but that points to another inconsistency.

    My goal was to get a terminator to the token inserted so that the autocomplete can move on to the next element, and selecting via the space key does do that. However...

    If selecting via a space inserts a space after the selection, then why doesn't selecting via Enter insert an Enter after the selection?
  • Tilman

    :D That is a very good point. The answer to which is, we are trying to make it work like Intellisense in Visual Studio. It's just what a lot of people have come to expect now.

  • CWuestefeld
    Tilman wrote:
    ...The answer to which is, we are trying to make it work like Intellisense in Visual Studio
    I've been using VS's Intellisense for enough years now, you might think I'd have noticed. :oops:

    OK, I buy that. Delivering what the user has been taught to expect is more important than abstract consistency.

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