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Missing feature/bug - USE autocompletion

If I ask for autocompletion after typing "USE ", I expect to get a list of databases (which seem to be in the "Other objects" tab). However, it pops up with the "All common objects" tab, most of whose choices will lead to errors.

(btw, do you guys prefer that I post issues individually for easier tracking, or in one big post, so the topic list stays a manageable length)


1 comment

  • Tilman
    Hi Chris,
    If I ask for autocompletion after typing "USE ", I expect to get a list of databases (which seem to be in the "Other objects" tab). However, it pops up with the "All common objects" tab, most of whose choices will lead to errors.

    It's true. We will fix it in the final release.
    btw, do you guys prefer that I post issues individually for easier tracking, or in one big post, so the topic list stays a manageable length

    I would prefer individual posts. Makes it easier to answer and also easier to see what's already there. (this list has become unmanageable a long time ago...)



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