The following error:

Document Contains Invalid SQL Syntax
SQL Refactor was unable to lay out this file because some errors were found while it was being parsed. These errors have been highlighted.

Is raised by the following code (I underlined the code that it underlined):

with accountOrder as (
select row_number() over (order by account_number, row_start_date) as rowNumber,
account_number, row_start_date,row_end_date
from account_dim
where row_status in ('Current','Expired'))

select *
from accountOrder as early
join accountOrder as late
on late.account_number = early.account_number
and late.rowNumber - 1 = early.rowNumber
where late.row_start_date <= early.row_end_date


1 comment

  • Andras B
    drsql wrote:
    The following error:
    with accountOrder as (
    select row_number() over (order by account_number, row_start_date) as rowNumber,
    account_number, row_start_date,row_end_date
    from account_dim
    where row_status in ('Current','Expired'))

    select *
    from accountOrder as early
    join accountOrder as late
    on late.account_number = early.account_number
    and late.rowNumber - 1 = early.rowNumber
    where late.row_start_date <= early.row_end_date

    Thank you, this is a bug, we will fix this for the next beta or the final release.

    Andras B

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