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UCase and LCase - a Bug?

Why is SQL Prompt case-sensitive? For such a wonderful piece of software so long overdue for SQL programmers (are you listening Redmond?), it is let down by the most basic of features.

The effect of case-sensitivity appears in the following circumstances: The Caps-Lock key is on, I type SELECT * FROM and there is a candidate list of my Tables - wonderful - I select (for example) tblEmployeeDetails, and it is transformed into TBLeMPLOYEEdETAILS. Somewhat of an annoyance, but I can live with that. What happens next is downright useless though. Carry on typing in WHERE and there are no columns associated with the table TBLeMPLOYEEdETAILS. So not only does the program change the tablename it then cannot find columns once it's done so!

I searched the Options screen(s), I even tried to upgrade (I'm currently at, but no, no luck there either.

Unfortunately this bug has proved to be more of an undoing that an annoyance and I find myself disabling SQLPrompt more and more each day. I code for some 5 hours each day, I thought this software would be a godsend for myself and my team, and it could be, but only if these BASIC annoyances are removed or are able to be switched off in the options. I hope V3 has some fix for this and it doesn't reach a production candidate or this will just be relegated to another piece of software with tremendous possibilities that died a death.

Would I recommend it? Yep, but with some reservations that I would have to point out at the time.



  • Logicalman
    How about being able to edit the Connectionss on the Connections tab?
  • Tilman

    Thanks for posting. The Caps Lock issue will be resolved in version 3.

    Could you explain what you mean by 'editing the connections'?


  • Logicalman
    Once the options screen is opened, select the Conncections Tab. A List of available saved connections is displayed. The only 'edit' available is to select a connection and delete it.
    It would be useful to be able to create and edit these connections directly from this tab, and have the connection and UserID displayed (hide the pwd), so that, when using QA etc, it would be possible to use the appropriate connection ensuring that if the password changed a new connection is not needed to be set up again.
    I'm not certain of the feasibility of this, I am aware that SQLPrompt appears to try and use the correct connection dependent on the server/DB used, but we also are required to test the same Server/DB accessibility using different logins.
    Any thoughts?

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