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Performance on Vista

Ive got Vista Beta2 installed on a dell inspiron 2gb with 2gb ram. and Prompts intellisence performance is Slow although usefull when you dont know the structure..

Id like the option of configuring the 4 part naming dbo..Fieldname is making some long tsq strings.

some formatting indenting options that can put some newlines in making sql more readable

some intllisense on Function Parameters like DateDiff, Formatting dates etc,

some assistance with "on Error/raiseError" trapping would go down well.

Intellisense on user stored Proc Paramaters would be great.

Any Chance of releasing it a control we can embed into vis studio solutions to provide intellisense in Custom Solutions. im thinking along the lines of customer report writers and custom query interfaces !

By the time you guys have finished we will have another great product!


1 comment

  • Bart Read
    Hi Colin,

    Thanks for the feedback, some good comments there. I'll deal with each in turn:

    We don't officially support Vista for any of our products, although we generally do a quick run through to check if they work or not. Vista's still a moving target though so we won't have any official support for quite a while. I suspect the performance issues you're seeing are less to do with Vista, and more to do with the general performance issues we've seen in SQL Prompt 2, and given that that's likely to be the case, assuming SQL Prompt 3 runs on Vista, then you should see a significant performance improvement.

    N-part naming:
    We're working on this at the moment. SQL Prompt 3 should generally handle this a lot more intelligently.

    Formatting and indentation:
    SQL Prompt 3 will not include formatting and indentation options due to time and resource constraints on the project. We were thinking about possibly adding this in but decided not to on the basis that we wanted to be able to concentrate on getting the intellisense right.

    Function/stored procedure parameters:
    All being well, we're planning to support these fully in SQL Prompt 3.

    On error/raise error:
    Not something we'd really considered so far, but we might be able to get some help in for that in the form of some snippets (we are greatly expanding the number of snippets available by default).

    Embedded control:
    Yikes! Maybe one day. :) Seriously, it's not something we'd even considered until I saw this, although it's certainly an interesting idea. For now though I wouldn't expect to see it in SQL Prompt 3, since as I said, most of our focus is on getting the intellisense right.

    Hope that helps, and thanks again for the feedback.

    Bart Read

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