SQL Backup job failed with exitcode: 500 SQL error code: 3202 [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 50000). The step failed.

Anyone knows what this error code means?



  • cml
    It looks like im running out of diskspace:
    BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [STORAGE] TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE = 'SQLBACKUP_15D9C182-79F3-479E-B815-FA3C8F7BCABE' WITH BLOCKSIZE = 65536, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 1048576, NAME = N'Database (STORAGE), 10-07-2006 10:53:12', DESCRIPTION = N'Backup on 10-07-2006 10:53:12 Server: IW

    What drive does VIRTUAL_DEVICE use and is it possible to change it?
  • petey
    VIRTUAL_DEVICE is a logical device name. The backup file is physically written to the drive you specified for the DISK options.

    Could you pls check the log file for the backup process? It's found in the 'All users' application data folder e.g.

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log\(local)

    What SQL Server error messages are logged in that file?
  • cml
    SQL Backup log file
    10-07-2006 10:53:12: Backing up STORAGE (full database) to: 
      \\aodb\f$\MSSQL Full backups\BACKUPIW\FULL_(local)_STORAGE_20060710_105131.sqb
    10-07-2006 10:53:12: BACKUP DATABASE [STORAGE]  TO DISK = '\\aodb\f$\MSSQL Full backups\BACKUPIW\FULL_(local)_STORAGE_20060710_105131.sqb' WITH NAME = '<AUTO>', DESCRIPTION = '<AUTO>', COMPRESSION = 1
    10-07-2006 10:56:49: Thread 0 error: 
    Error 620: Error writing to backup file(s).
    Process terminated unexpectedly. Error code: -2139684860
    Thread 0 warning: 
    Warning 210: Error writing to backup file:  \\aodb\f$\MSSQL Full backups\BACKUPIW\FULL_(local)_STORAGE_20060710_105131.sqb
    Warning: System error code:  (The specified network name is no longer available)
    10-07-2006 10:58:59: Server: Msg 3013
    BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
    10-07-2006 10:58:59: Server: Msg 3202
    Write on 'SQLBACKUP_15D9C182-79F3-479E-B815-FA3C8F7BCABE' failed, status = 112. See the SQL Server error log for more details.
    10-07-2006 10:58:59: Failed to close vdi.

    (The specified network name is no longer available)?? i dont believe that the server went down or something.
    Maybe its because the database is very big? its 40gb, it cant transfer it? i dont know.
  • petey
    Do the backup files get partially generated? Are they always the same size when the backup fails?

    SQL Backup has no limitations on file size when writing to a network drive.

    I would suggest running a network monitoring tool on both machines, just to confirm that network connectivity is not a problem. You could use the Network Interface performance object in Windows Performance Monitor. Select the Current Bandwidth counter, and the correct network interface instance.

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