1 comment
Could you please send us steps to reproduce the error you encountered?
As a simple test, I ran the following from Query Analyer:sqlbackup '-sql "BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = [e:\temp\pubs.sqb] WITH INIT"'
Stopped the SQL Server service and restarted it. Then ran the above command again. The backup is performed without errors.
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During test, i've noticied that if we restart MSSQL server service, sqlbackup don't run correctly. (VDI 1000)
so SQLBackupAgent service need to be started after SQL Server service.
may bay a modification to add for next version of sqlbackup?
nb: for information, to create dependance, regedit > HKLM > SYSTEM > Currentcontrolset > service > service_name : right click, new, multi-string value.
name : DependOnService
value : service_name