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After installing, SQL prompt does not work (exception)

Here is the error message I am getting, ir works great on my colleagues computer.

I have an HP laptop, xp pro, use VS2003 & VS 2005.
Not sure what else you might need to know.....

Like to use the tool.

Thank you,


RedGate.SQLPrompt.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.

Process id=0xda0 (3488), Thread id=0xbac (2988).

Debug info:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Security.SecurityException' occurred in Unknown Module.

Additional information: Request for the permission of type System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 failed.



  • Neil Davidson

    Are you logged on as an admin to your local machine? If not, can you try that please.
    Neil Davidson
  • stfarm
    Thank you for your reply. A collegue of mine figured it out:

    I had to go to Administrative tools - Framework 1.1 configuation

    then Runtime Security Policy - Enterprise - Code Groups - trusted Zone

    and give myself full permissions.

    Works great,

    Thank you.
  • Bart Read
    Glad it worked out for you. I think we might well add this to the documentation for the next version as it accesses the Win32 API directly so without this it won't work at all.

    Many thanks,
    Bart Read

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