I have found the new parameter useful while performing backups. Can we use MAXTRANSFER size with the RESTORE command as well?
Yes, you can using build 511 of the server components.
Despite having just loaded the patch for this, I continue to get errors on backup-
SQL Backup exit code :1050
SQL error code:3202
Write on "SQLBACKUO_<string>" failed: 112(There is not enough space on the disk.)
Failed to close vdi -
What is the MAXTRANSFERSIZE value that you are using?
I tried ALL the suggested values for MAXTRANSFERSIZE, from 1 MB down to 64 KB, and got the same result. -
Was the backup file created at all, or maybe part of the file? I'm trying to determine if the backup failed at the very beginning, or midway through the backup. Thanks.
Actually, acting on advice from Brian, I added the 'MAXDATABLOCK = 1048576" parameter, and all seems happy now, woithout using the MAXTRANSFERSIZE parameter.
As I recall, the file was partially created, but I'm not sure how much was written (if any) or if the file was merely created, and not written to. -
We have strict security on our browser on the server where our application is located so I get an error that I can't check for updates with the application (we are not allowed to run javascript on the server). Is there an ftp site to get the latest versions instead or is the only way is to download the latest trial version?
Linda -
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Copy SQBServerSetup.exe and SQLBackupC.exe to the installation directory. To upgrade the server components run SQBServerSetup.exe. Alternatively you can upgrade each instance from the GUI by selecting the SQL Server instance in the left hand panel, right click and select Install/upgrade server components
MAXTRANSFERSIZE indicates to SQL Server the maximum size of each block of memory that it uses to store backup data, prior to SQL Backup compressing/encrypting the data.
Options are:
MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 1048576 (1 MB) (default)
For example,
master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [DatabaseA] TO DISK = ''<AUTO>'' WITH COMPRESSION = 1, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 524288"'
master..sqlbackup N'-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [DatabaseA] FROM DISK = ''C:\DatabaseA.sqb''WITH RECOVERY, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 262144"'
This is particularly useful if you experience an error such as "Failed to close vdi".
In this case the VDI.log will show for example
"Error at ServerBufferAreaManager::Allocate: Map buffers Status Code: 8, x8
Explanation: Not enough storage is available to process this command."
In this case you can use the MAXTRANSFERSIZE keyword with a lower value than the 1MB default, e.g. MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 524288