SQL Data Generator has the ability to run a Python script, so if you have a Python script, variable declarations typically begin with the dollar-sign ($). The question must be, how to get a generated column value and use that in a SQL query. This sounds like you would need a combination of two generators - cross-column and SQL statement.
The best solution I can think of for this is to use the Python generator, get the column name into a variable and use Python to get the data. -
I came up with this, but it needs to make a connection to the server for every record.
# Basic generator template def main(config): # config["column_name"] is the column name # config["column_type"] is the column datatype # config["column_size"] is the column size # config["n_rows"] is the number of rows # config["seed"] is the current random seed import System import System.Data import System.Data.SqlClient str_connection="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Database2;Integrated Security=SSPI" sql_connection=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(str_connection) str_command="SELECT TextField FROM Table1 WHERE TextField LIKE '%" str_command+=COUNTRYNAME # Where COUNTRYNAME is a field from the table str_command+="%'" sql_command=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(str_command) sql_command.Connection=sql_connection sql_connection.Open() sql_datareader=sql_command.ExecuteReader() a_value="" while sql_datareader.Read(): a_value=sql_datareader.GetString(0) sql_datareader.Close() sql_connection.Close() return [a_value]
Say I have a table participants with PK part_id and another table DeliveryAddress with foreign key part_id.
If i setup the foreign key on DeliveryAddress back to the participants table then it will only select unique part_id when a participant could have multiple delivery addresses.
There is a hint to the right of the "Population method" on the Foreign key generator UI stating: If the foreign key references a single column, each value in the referenced column is only used once. I have tested this and it creates a one to one foreign key.
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You know how when scripting data generation fields, other fields are represented like $[Division]? I'd like to be able to do a SQL Query like this: " " and have the result (presuming there would be one record returned) be the data for that column/row instance.
Is this possible?