Are these scenarios possible to determine using dependency tracker? If not maybe these could be added as a feature in the future?
Alex -
Just wondering if there might be a response to this? ;-)
I think that you can do this and much more right now once the results are extracted via XML and loaded into a relational structure which can be linked to system tables to get even more info.
I would love to have the dependency at column level and RUD!
One problem I'd like to solve is dynamic SQL.... -
This points again to getting a command line, or automation interface to this RGDT asap, and once again reverting back to our tool of choice - SQL!
Alex Weatherall -
Hi Alex,
I like the circularlity of that
I'm afraid this release won't have a command line or public API a la our toolkit. But your and others' comments in this arena have been duly noted. It's interesting to me how much more people want to do with Dependency Tracker. This is bound to impact our future releases of the product.
Dan J Archer
SQL Dependency Tracker Project Lead
Red Gate Software
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How, using DT, could I find all objects that had either:
no dependencies, or no dependencies in a particular direction (most likely used by), or no dependencies of a particular object type?
I might use this for:Finding tables without CRUD procedures. Functions that are not used by any procedures. Views that are used as interface layer, and not used by procedures. All Object Name Resolution errors? General DB analysis.
Thanks,Alex Weatherall