I see the option to zoom in, but it doesn't let me zoom in to a specific part. I have to zoom/move/zoom/move. I'd rather be able to select an area with a rubber-band (perhaps in the overview window?) and have it automatically zoom to that area. Zooming out is more difficult from a UI standpoint, as always. But using the overview as a thumbnail and navigation medium would be very useful.



  • alphadog

    I find the mouse scroll faster for zoom in/out than magnify glass icons.

    - alphadog
  • Bart Read
    Hi there,

    Yes, Alphadog's absolutely right: using the mouse wheel is probably the best thing here, assuming you have one. If not I can only apologise and say that there's no more satisfactory solution in this version of SQL Dependency Tracker. If however you do have a mouse wheel you'll find that the diagram will zoom to the location under the pointer, unless you zoom whilst hovering over the graph overview, in which case it will zoom to the centre of the currently visible area.

    Hope that helps.

    Bart Read
  • alphadog
    Using the mousewheel is currently the "best thing" for zoom in, but the app's visuals beg for a way to use the magnify icon to allow for rubberbanding an area to zoom into, rather than just arbitrary steps. Zooming out could be done via rubberbanding in the Diagram Overview.

    And, I mean that as a long-time developer who totally understands that you can only do so much with so little time! Awesome product, BTW. I was going to develop one myself, but now why bother... :wink:

    - alphadog
  • Bart Read
    Hi Alphadog,

    Actually, I've just noticed that there's a (currently disabled) toolbar button for doing just this -- it's the one that looks like a magnifying glass in a box -- so it looks like we're aiming for it in the final release.

    Bart Read
  • alphadog
    Ah, yes. Very faint grey. Missed it. Thanks.
  • Bart Read
    No problem! I missed it too and I work on this thing.
    Bart Read

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