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Changing the location for TEMP files


You can set the TEMP folder via an environmental variable.

The Windows XP path for doing this is as follows:

Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System
-> Advanced <tab> -> Environment Variables <buttton> ->
System varibles <frame> -> New <button>

Variable Name: RGDCTEMP
Variable value: <path to temp folder>

This is helpful when you have multiple gigabytes of data to compare. I stored a 400 table multi-gigabyte comparison on an external USB drive attached to my workstation.

- Robert Sterbal
Fiserv Lending Solutions
412-261-4791 ext 3412



  • Neil Davidson
    Hi Robert,

    Out of interest, how long did it take to do the comparison? And how many GB were there?

    - Neil
    Neil Davidson
  • rsterbal
    I ran it all day, and then checked on it when I got home... One table had a 3+ GB temp file... I took the large tables (over 400,000 rows) out of the comparison.

    I'll keep some stats throughout my migration. We are moving 450+ tables from 9 servers in a replication scheme into 1 or 2...

  • James Moore
    Just a little update on this.

    We renamed this variable between the Beta and RC1 from RGDCTEMP to RGTEMP. There is also a known issue in both the Beta and RC1 in that the Data Compare Engine stores all of its data files in this location however the generated script will still end up in your windows temp folder.

    This issue will be fixed in the final release.

    - James
    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd
    James Moore

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