For the version of SQL on my machines, enter "(localdb)\v11.0" as the server name.
It appears that localDb can be accessed using (localdb)\v11.0 and should act like an Express instance of SQL Server.
The /tempinstance is something to do with "migrations V2", which is a continuous integration feature of SQL Compare. It's not something you would use unless you are attempting to do CI.
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I don't see any method to do this in the UI.
I did find a documented command-line switch, tempinstance, that sounded promising. However, when I run sqlcompare /Database1:ComplianceRisk /tempinstance:"Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename="d:\users\scot\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\ExampleEF_MVC\App_Data\aspnet-ExampleEF_MVC-20140318063820.mdf";Initial Catalog=aspnet-ExampleEF_MVC-20140318063820;Integrated Security=True"
I receive Error: Invalid command-line argument: /tempinstance.
When I run sqlcompare /? the tempinstamce argument is in fact not listed.
So, what's the best route for this compare?
Also, if tempinstance is available, note that I surrounded the argument with double-quotes, and that the connection string therein also contains double-quotes. Will this parse correctly?