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TFS 2010 Integration and Gated Check-in builds


I have seen this question asked a couple of times, but never satisfactorily answered.

Is it possible (from the UI) to link Red Gate Source Control to a Source Control path in Team Foundation Server where a Gated Check-in build is deployed?

As far as I can tell, it is not. When I try to establish the link, I get the message:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Your check-in could not be completed because it affects the following gated build definitions...

Has any progress been made in allowing for this to be bypassed from the UI? I understand that it may be possible to do this using the command-line (i.e. setting Source Control: Custom, and creating a hook file for a tf command). However, this route really is really not ideal. Furthermore, I do not see implementing this this being more challenging than a feature that SC3 already has, which is to ignore check-in policies (as described here)

If anyone has an answer (or a good hook file) please let me know.

Thank you



  • rayman2k1
    Well, it looks like the CommandLineHooks format is easy enough for me to follow. Here is what is working for TFS 2010:
    <HooksConfig version="1" type="HooksConfig">
      <!-- The name of the config file that will be displayed in the SQL Source Control user interface -->
      <Name>Team Foundation Server</Name>
      <Commands type="Commands" version="2">
          <key type="string">GetLatest</key>
          <!-- Updates the local working folder with latest version in source control. -->
          <!-- Valid macros: ($ScriptsFolder) ($Message) -->
          <value version="1" type="GenericHookCommand">
            <CommandLine>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" get ($ScriptsFolder) /recursive /noprompt</CommandLine>
            <Verify>exitCode == 0</Verify>
          <key type="string">Add</key>
          <!-- Adds new files to the local working copy. Changes can then be committed to source control using the Commit command. -->
          <!-- Valid macros: ($ScriptsFolder) ($Message) ($Files) ($Folders) -->
          <value version="1" type="GenericHookCommand">
            <CommandLine>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" add ($Folders) ($Files) /recursive /noprompt</CommandLine>
            <Verify>exitCode == 0</Verify>
          <key type="string">Edit</key>
          <!-- Makes the local working copy of the file(s) available for editing. Changes can then be committed to source control using the Commit command. -->
          <!-- Valid macros: ($ScriptsFolder) ($Message) ($Files) ($Folders) -->
          <value version="1" type="GenericHookCommand">
            <CommandLine>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" checkout ($Files) ($Folders) /noprompt</CommandLine>
            <Verify>exitCode == 0</Verify>
          <key type="string">Delete</key>
          <!-- Deletes the file(s) from the local working copy. Changes can then be committed to source control using the Commit command. -->
          <!-- Valid macros: ($ScriptsFolder) ($Message) ($Files) ($Folders) -->
          <value version="1" type="GenericHookCommand">
            <CommandLine>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" delete ($Files) ($Folders) /noprompt</CommandLine>
            <Verify>exitCode == 0</Verify>
          <key type="string">Commit</key>
          <!-- Commits all changes in the local working folder to source control. -->
          <!-- Valid macros: ($ScriptsFolder) ($Message) -->
          <value version="1" type="GenericHookCommand">
            <CommandLine>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" checkin ($ScriptsFolder) /comment:"($Message)" /bypass /override:"Checked in from Red Gate" /recursive /noprompt</CommandLine>
            <Verify>exitCode == 0</Verify>
          <key type="string">Revert</key>
          <!-- Undoes changes if an error occurs during a commit -->
          <!-- Valid macros: ($ScriptsFolder) -->
          <value version="1" type="GenericHookCommand">
            <CommandLine>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf" undo ($ScriptsFolder) /noprompt</CommandLine>
            <Verify>exitCode == 0</Verify>


  • James B
    Good news if you've managed to get around the issue with a commandlinehooks file.

    The specific feature suggestion you ideally need is logged here - please do vote and comment there, as the more popular it is, the more likely it is that the team will be able to dedicate time to implementing it.
    James B

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