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The system didn’t see the changes.

In first data entering in the table (static data) the system can not track the changes.
Turned out that the problem arose because of the presence multi-values (varchar) in the generated script. After manual removal from this files all such lines, everything works fine. Is it a bug? Or explain me how I can fix this situation.
There is an example below:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[MX_WF_ObjectStructure] ([ID_WF_Object], [ID_Object_Type], [Parent_ID], [NameRU], [NameEN], [Table_Name], [PK_Field], [ID_WF_UsingObject], [Edit_Field], [Field_Type], [FK_Field], [WhereClause], [Field_List], [Value_List], [Get_Method], [Set_Method], [ID_Journal], [JournalPK], [JournalField], [ID_LogicType], [Default_Value], [Edit_Mask], [Visible_Condition], [Enabled_Condition], [Required_Condition], [Dictionary_Condition], [Constraint_Condition], [Constraint_Message], [ID_Sheet], [IsPublished], [OrderNum], [Display_Name], [Display_Rows], [CreateDate], [ID_User], [UpdateDate], [Note], [Filter_Condition], [Use_In_Templates], [Editing_Condition], [Filter_Func], [ID_Form], [FormScript], [ID_WF_ImportObject], [Import_Method], [ShowInFilter], [Colored], [DisplayButton], [ClearIfNotVisible], [UseInGroupUpdate], [Display_Name_ENU], [ColumnNumber]) VALUES (20, 3003, 15, N'ßрþôуúÑ‚', N'Product', N'TD_Client_Products', N'ID_Client_Product', NULL, N'ID_Product', N'int', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 101075, N'ID ßрþôуúÑ‚ð', N'ßрþôуúÑ‚', 4005, NULL, NULL, N'[âøÿßрþôуúÑ‚ð] <> ''ßûðÑ



  • James B
    I'm afraid I'm not really sure what the problem is here. Do you get an error message? Please can you send over a table definition and insert statement so we can replicate the problem?
    It might well be a bug with extended character-sets but I've not heard of it happening before so I'd like to see if I can reproduce the problem.
    James B
  • fadeev_av
    Create table sample:
    CREATE TABLE MX_Developer.dbo.MX_WF_ObjectStructure&#40;
    	ID_WF_Object INT NOT NULL,
    	ID_Object_Type INT NULL,
    	Parent_ID INT NULL,
    	NameRU VARCHAR&#40;100&#41; NOT NULL,
    	NameEN VARCHAR&#40;100&#41; NOT NULL,
    	Table_Name VARCHAR&#40;128&#41; NULL,
    	PK_Field VARCHAR&#40;128&#41; NULL,
    	ID_WF_UsingObject INT NULL,
    	Edit_Field VARCHAR&#40;128&#41; NULL,
    	Field_Type VARCHAR&#40;128&#41; NULL,
    	FK_Field VARCHAR&#40;128&#41; NULL,
    	WhereClause TEXT NULL,
    	Field_List TEXT NULL,
    	Value_List TEXT NULL,
    	Get_Method VARCHAR&#40;500&#41; NULL,
    	Set_Method VARCHAR&#40;500&#41; NULL,
    	ID_Journal INT NULL,
    	JournalPK VARCHAR&#40;128&#41; NULL,
    	JournalField VARCHAR&#40;128&#41; NULL,
    	ID_LogicType INT NULL,
    	Default_Value TEXT NULL,
    	Edit_Mask VARCHAR&#40;150&#41; NULL,
    	Visible_Condition TEXT NULL,
    	Enabled_Condition TEXT NULL,
    	Required_Condition TEXT NULL,
    	Dictionary_Condition TEXT NULL,
    	Constraint_Condition TEXT NULL,
    	Constraint_Message TEXT NULL,
    	ID_Sheet INT NULL,
    	IsPublished BIT NULL,
    	OrderNum FLOAT NULL,
    	Display_Name VARCHAR&#40;150&#41; NULL,
    	Display_Rows INT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_MX_WF_ObjectStructure_Display_Rows DEFAULT &#40;1&#41;,
    	CreateDate DATETIME NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF__MX_WF_Obj__Creat__1E56154F DEFAULT &#40;getdate&#40;&#41;&#41;,
    	ID_User INT NOT NULL,
    	UpdateDate DATETIME NULL,
    	Note TEXT NULL,
    	Filter_Condition TEXT NULL,
    	Use_In_Templates BIT NULL,
    	Editing_Condition TEXT NULL,
    	Filter_Func VARCHAR&#40;500&#41; NULL,
    	ID_Form INT NULL,
    	FormScript VARCHAR&#40;MAX&#41; NULL,
    	ID_WF_ImportObject INT NULL,
    	Import_Method VARCHAR&#40;500&#41; NULL,
    	ShowInFilter BIT NULL,
    	Colored BIT NULL,
    	DisplayButton BIT NULL,
    	ClearIfNotVisible BIT NULL,
    	UseInGroupUpdate BIT NULL,
    	Display_Name_ENU VARCHAR&#40;150&#41; NULL,
    	ColumnNumber INT NULL,
    	CONSTRAINT PK__MX_WF_ObjectStru__1F4A3988 PRIMARY KEY &#40;ID_WF_Object&#41;
    &#41; ON &#91;PRIMARY&#93; TEXTIMAGE_ON &#91;PRIMARY&#93;

    Insert stateent:

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[MX_WF_ObjectStructure] ([ID_WF_Object], [ID_Object_Type], [Parent_ID], [NameRU], [NameEN], [Table_Name], [PK_Field], [ID_WF_UsingObject], [Edit_Field], [Field_Type], [FK_Field], [WhereClause], [Field_List], [Value_List], [Get_Method], [Set_Method], [ID_Journal], [JournalPK], [JournalField], [ID_LogicType], [Default_Value], [Edit_Mask], [Visible_Condition], [Enabled_Condition], [Required_Condition], [Dictionary_Condition], [Constraint_Condition], [Constraint_Message], [ID_Sheet], [IsPublished], [OrderNum], [Display_Name], [Display_Rows], [CreateDate], [ID_User], [UpdateDate], [Note], [Filter_Condition], [Use_In_Templates], [Editing_Condition], [Filter_Func], [ID_Form], [FormScript], [ID_WF_ImportObject], [Import_Method], [ShowInFilter], [Colored], [DisplayButton], [ClearIfNotVisible], [UseInGroupUpdate], [Display_Name_ENU], [ColumnNumber]) VALUES (20, 3003, 15, N'ßрþôуúÑ‚', N'Product', N'TD_Client_Products', N'ID_Client_Product', NULL, N'ID_Product', N'int', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 101075, N'ID ßрþôуúÑ‚ð', N'ßрþôуúÑ‚', 4005, NULL, NULL, N'[âøÿßрþôуúÑ‚ð] <> ''ßûðÑ
  • James B

    I created the table, and then inserted the data. I was able to add this into SQL Source Control without any problem though.

    Do you have trouble when committing? Or do you have problems with existing files .sql from somewhere else?
    James B
  • fadeev_av
    I have no problems with the first commit. But after the first fix and re-update changes the problem occurs. The system offers me again to fix all of the changes. A list of already fixed hostname is empty ...
  • fadeev_av
    Also, post the screenshots
    This is a working copy and the recorded data in the table:

    This is the result of updating the state:
  • fadeev_av
    Sorry, I had a more detailed analysis of the problem.
    The error does not appear if you delete one record. Spread the sample on this post. In the form which it has generated Source Control
    EXEC(N'INSERT INTO [dbo].[MX_WF_ObjectStructure] ([ID_WF_Object], [ID_Object_Type], [Parent_ID], [NameRU], [NameEN], [Table_Name], [PK_Field], [ID_WF_UsingObject], [Edit_Field], [Field_Type], [FK_Field], [WhereClause], [Field_List], [Value_List], [Get_Method], [Set_Method], [ID_Journal], [JournalPK], [JournalField], [ID_LogicType], [Default_Value], [Edit_Mask], [Visible_Condition], [Enabled_Condition], [Required_Condition], [Dictionary_Condition], [Constraint_Condition], [Constraint_Message], [ID_Sheet], [IsPublished], [OrderNum], [Display_Name], [Display_Rows], [CreateDate], [ID_User], [UpdateDate], [Note], [Filter_Condition], [Use_In_Templates], [Editing_Condition], [Filter_Func], [ID_Form], [FormScript], [ID_WF_ImportObject], [Import_Method], [ShowInFilter], [Colored], [DisplayButton], [ClearIfNotVisible], [UseInGroupUpdate], [Display_Name_ENU], [ColumnNumber]) VALUES (16018258, 3005, 14949701, N''ØÑ

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