Thanks very much for your post. Can I first check--is the log4net.config file copied over to the new directory of the obfuscated exe? I don't believe that SmartAssembly will automatically copy over the log4net.config file.
Should that not be the issue, could you kindly try building the application in SA again but will all options (merging, obfuscation, etc..) turned off? Please let me know if the log file still does not get created in that case. -
Hi, Jessica:
Of course I copied over the log4net.config myself.
And I did the testing you suggested, and found that without merging the log4net.dll, the output exe can produce the log file.
So I chose to embed the log4net.dll instead of merging, the output exe file
can produce the log file.
so my problem solved.
thank you very much. -
Ah okay, glad to hear you've found a solution! Thank you for sharing
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I have a .net console application with few dlls, in assemblyInfo.cs i have
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "log4net.config", Watch = true)]
after using SA to build a combined single .exe, the new .exe assembly seems don't recognize the log4net.config since it does not generate the log file.
is there something i did wrong?