Does SQL Compare 10.xx support MS Azure SQL Server?
I have tried simple compares and they always fail on deployment. Issues include apparent compatibility issues such as what I pasted below. At first, I took these as hints that I needed to update my database schema, but when it hit the aspnet_Membership_xxx tables, which are integral to Microsoft ASP.NET web sites, I stopped that approach.
It looks like SQL Compare doesn't "just work" with Azure. True or not?
The following error message was returned from the SQL Server:
[40512] Deprecated feature 'Table hint without WITH' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
The following SQL command caused the error:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetNumberOfUsersOnline
@ApplicationName nvarchar(256),
@MinutesSinceLastInActive int,
@CurrentTimeUtc datetime
DECLARE @DateActive datetime
SELECT @DateActive = DATEADD(minute, -(@MinutesSinceLastInActive), @CurrentTimeUtc)
DECLARE @NumOnline int
SELECT @NumOnline = COUNT(*)
FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u(NOLOCK),
dbo.aspnet_Applications a(NOLOCK),
dbo.aspnet_Membership m(NOLOCK)
WHERE u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND
LastActivityDate > @DateActive AND
a.LoweredApplicationName = LOWER(@ApplicationName) AND
u.UserId = m.UserId
I have tried simple compares and they always fail on deployment. Issues include apparent compatibility issues such as what I pasted below. At first, I took these as hints that I needed to update my database schema, but when it hit the aspnet_Membership_xxx tables, which are integral to Microsoft ASP.NET web sites, I stopped that approach.
It looks like SQL Compare doesn't "just work" with Azure. True or not?