I believe un-ticking the "Include time stamp" option on the "Generate Documentation" form is the one that will solve that particular problem. -
Does this option exists in the command prompt as well.
The /outputfolder argument is supposed to let you override the output folder. Does that work?
Here is my Script the
/outputfolder places the timestamp folder in the c:\temp folder instead of the default folder
• "C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Doc 2\"sqldoc /Project:"c:\temp\TFS08.sqldoc" /force /Filetype:html-frames /outputfolder:c:\temp /out:TFS08.html -
Thank you. This is now logged as bug SDOC-1377. I suppose a workaround would be a batch file to rename the folder after it's created.
Me and my team are using Red-gate's SQLDOC for our DB Docs. We have a built nightly PowerShell that run SQLDOC command line that is running to over the current post SQLDOCs.
The workaround to to have one sub-folder for each server/project.<# ===================== Delete Current SQLDOC ===================== #> $path = '\\server\d$\PVP\PVP21\webcontent\Powershell\Database_Documentation\DBPrime1\' Get-ChildItem $path | Sort-Object { $_.Name -as [Version] } | Select-Object -Last 1 | Remove-Item -recurse <# =============== Create SQLDOC =============== #> $CMD = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Doc 2\sqldoc.exe' $arg1 = '/project:H:\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Red-Gate\DBPrime1.sqldoc' $arg2 = '/filetype:html-frames' $arg3 = '/force' $arg4 = '/outputfolder:"\\server\d$\PVP\PVP21\webcontent\Powershell\Database_Documentation\DBPrime1"' & $CMD $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4 <# "C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Gate\SQL Doc 2\sqldoc.exe" /project:"H:\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Red-Gate\DBPrime1.sqldoc" /filetype:html-frames /force /outputfolder:"\\server\d$\PVP\PVP21\webcontent\Powershell\Database_Documentation\DBPrime1" #> <# =============== Rename Directory =============== #> cd \\server\d$\PVP\PVP21\webcontent\Powershell\Database_Documentation\DBPrime1 dir | Where-Object {$_.Name} | Rename-Item -NewName "DBPrime1"
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Every time I run SQL DOC it creates a new TimeStamp Folder
Such as TFS08-2012-11-01T12-54-34.
We are using source Control and this will treat the folder as a new folder every time.
I am looking to create a folder and keep it the same name and only commit the changes to my repository.
The Images also seem to get recreated. The program should check it certain files exists before recreating them.