No, I'm afraid it's not possible to restore more than one database at a time.
Marianne -
you could script it...
i am using dynamic sql to restore 54 databases in a row. I am restoring to another computer and instance, so it is a little more than what you would typically use.
it is pretty easy..
help instructions:EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH REPLACE" '
my way:set @SQL = ' EXECUTE master..sqlbackup ''-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE ' + @sitename + ' FROM DISK = ''''' + @backupfilepath + ''''' WITH MOVE DATAFILES TO ''''' + @dbdirectory + ''''' , MOVE LOGFILES TO ''''' + @tlogdirectory +''''' , REPLACE " '' ' exec sp_executesql @sql
Thanks jonstahura
I will try this in our test environment
Regards -
I am trying to script this and it is not working, keeps saying I have an extra '
SET @SQL = ' EXECUTE master..sqlbackup ''-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE ' + @sitename + ' FROM DISK = ''''D:\SQLVMDEV10\' + @sitename + '\FULL\*.sqb'''' WITH MOVE DATAFILES TO ''''G:\VirtualRestore'''' , SOURCE = ''''' + @sitename + ''''' LATEST_FULL WITH MAILTO = [url='']''[/url]', RECOVERY, DISCONNECT_EXISTING, MOVE LOGFILES TO ''''G:\VirtualRestore'''' , REPLACE , CHECKDB = ''ALL_ERRORMSGS, DATA_PURITY, EXTENDED_LOGICAL_CHECKS'', DROPDB''', @exitcode OUT, @sqlerrorcode OUT" '' '
Any ideas? -
Or actually it says
[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 137) Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ' '' ' -
Here's an alternative:
DECLARE @exitcode int DECLARE @sqlerrorcode int DECLARE @sitename nvarchar(16) DECLARE @sql nvarchar(1024) SET @sitename = '<your value>' SET @sql = '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE ' + @sitename + ' FROM DISK = ''D:\SQLVMDEV10\' + @sitename + '\FULL\*.sqb'' SOURCE = ''' + @sitename + ''' LATEST_FULL WITH MOVE DATAFILES TO ''G:\VirtualRestore'' , MOVE LOGFILES TO ''G:\VirtualRestore'' , MAILTO = '''', RECOVERY, DISCONNECT_EXISTING, REPLACE , CHECKDB = ''ALL_ERRORMSGS, DATA_PURITY, EXTENDED_LOGICAL_CHECKS'', DROPDB' EXEC master..sqlbackup @sql, @exitcode OUT, @sqlerrorcode OUT
Note that the SOURCE and LATEST_FULL options must come immediately after the DISK value. -
The problem with that is @ sitename is the database name, how does it look through all of the database names?
You could put the list of databases to restore in a table, and use a cursor to iterate through that table to form the script.
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The GUI tells me that only one database at a time can be restored and have a lot of databases.
Thanks in advanced