When you say 'write some comments', what exactly do you mean? Are you after something being written to the ms_description extended property or similar, or would you just like a text report to be generated?
Sorry for the poor explanation.
I'm not searching for a custom SQLServer property (sp_updateextendedproperty...) but only 'free comments zone' in the SDG scope (stored in the xml format of the sqlgen file for example).
And accessed via a menu (e.g. : Tools/Report) to obtain a report concerning the way the data are generated.
This report could display - in addition of that comments - the number of rows, if a csv is used, etc.
sample :
- table 1 : rows = 200 ; bla,bla,
- table 2 : rows = 1000 ; bla,bla,
- table 3 : rows = 500 ; bla,bla,
is it clear ?
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it would be convenient to have the capability to write some comments to the way data are generated for each table.
in my case I'm using :
- classical SDG settings for the table ;
- a script after data generation to 'adjust' some tables ;
- another (external) script for BLOB data
It would be appreciated to get a report summarizing all that comments.
thanks in advance for replying.