This doesn't appear to work in v7 either. The help file seems think the syntax should be supported, so I'll see what's up.
Sorry for the delay.
I've confirmed this as a bug with the current and previous versions, and case SB-5388 has been raised for it. This will be fixed and available in the next update.
If you can't wait for the next update, then we might be able to send you a private patch. -
I consider there is a bug in version of SQL Backup. The problem is that the with move construct is not obtainable to the SQL Backup completion of the restore LOG command as it is with the Native RESTORE LOG command. believe the following log delivery situation:
A new data file is additional to the main database.
The hard disk on which the folder is created does not exist on the minor record server.
When trying to restore the SQL Backup log file created after the new data file was shaped, an error similar to the following is produced.
Georgia gate -
That sounds the same as the problem above. The bug report SB-5388 was logged for it and should be fixed in the next update.
Chris - Any update on this? Can we expect the functionality to be included in 7.3? I am still running on version 6.5 and will likely wait for this to be addressed before upgraded to 7.x. Thanks in advance.
I have yet to hear back on this. Since I have a support contract, would I be better served by opening a formal ticket?
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A new data file is added to the primary database.
The disk on which the file is created does not exist on the secondary database server.
When trying to restore the SQL Backup log file created after the new data file was created, an error similar to the following is generated:
SQL error 3156: SQL error 3156: File 'NewLogicalDataFile' cannot be restored to 'PrimaryPathWhichDoesNotExistOnSecondary\NewLogicalDataFile.ndf'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.
When trying to use the RESTORE LOG...WITH MOVE construct in SQL Backup, the following error is returned:
SQL Backup v6.5.1.9
Syntax error: 'MOVE' after 'WITH'
name value
exitcode 850
sqlerrorcode 0
At this point, the SQL Backup file must be converted to the native *.bak format. After the conversion, the Native RESTORE LOG...WITH MOVE command can be executed.
100 percent processed.
Processed 0 pages for database 'DatabaseName', file 'OldLogicalDataFile' on file 1.
Processed 0 pages for database 'DatabaseName', file 'NewLogicalDataFile' on file 1.
Processed 2 pages for database 'DatabaseName', file 'OldLogicalLogFile' on file 1.
RESTORE LOG successfully processed 2 pages in 0.119 seconds (0.123 MB/sec).
And SQL Backup log shipping can continue.
I realize that we are not on version 7 of SQL Backup, so please let me know if this issue is resolved in the current version. That would be sufficient reason for me to support an upgrade to my manager.