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Command line option toinclude FG, PS and PF

I can't find the command line option to include "Filegroups, Partition schemes and Partition Functions" when synchronizing 2 databases.
Using the GUI, it works fine by unchecking this option in the "ignore"-list (edit project - options-tab)
Simply said: how can I include Partitioning functions, schemes and partitions usage in table and index creation included into my command line SQL Compare process?
Geert Vanhove



  • Brian Donahue
    There is a SQL Compare option called IgnoreFileGroups (or ifg) that will do the same as SQL Compare. So you can add /options:Default,ifg and that should combine the default option with IgnoreFileGroups.

    If you're concerned about differences between the commandline and the UI, you can always have the command-line run a SQL Compare project file instead.
    Brian Donahue
  • Geert Vanhove
    I found the solution using /options:None.
    The issue I had was related to the filegroup that was missing at the db level, when I created this one manually, using /options:None created also my partitionScheme and function
    Geert Vanhove

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