I have .NET Reflector 7 VSPro installed (as part of the development bundle). Now when I press F12 or select 'Go to definition' in Visual Stuidio's context menu on a member, I get to the code disassembled by Reflector. OTOH, if I select "Go to decompiled definition" (which sounds like it should do what F12 does instead) - nothing at all happens.
So I actually have two related questions:
- how can I revert to the Studio's old behavior when pressing F12, i.e. go to the property definition AND DESCRIPTION and not to the disassembled code?
- how can I fix the new (added by Reflector) context menu so that IT DOES go to the disassembled code (which is useful sometimes but not always as I often just want to see the help)?
I have .NET Reflector 7 VSPro installed (as part of the development bundle). Now when I press F12 or select 'Go to definition' in Visual Stuidio's context menu on a member, I get to the code disassembled by Reflector. OTOH, if I select "Go to decompiled definition" (which sounds like it should do what F12 does instead) - nothing at all happens.
So I actually have two related questions:
- how can I revert to the Studio's old behavior when pressing F12, i.e. go to the property definition AND DESCRIPTION and not to the disassembled code?
- how can I fix the new (added by Reflector) context menu so that IT DOES go to the disassembled code (which is useful sometimes but not always as I often just want to see the help)?