Just had the bright idea that i could just copy the data from that table to some other database. I personally dont need version control on the system databases anymore but i imagine for some reason, someone out there might.
Sounds like a great idea. Is an Agent Job represented in the system tables as a single record that can be moved to another SQL Server instance without modification?
David -
Unfortunately agent jobs are stored in terms of steps. One of the columns in the table is the Job ID, however you have to do a join with the sysjobs table to get its actual name. ive done this below:
MERGE JOBS USING ( Select AS [job_name], msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps.step_id AS [step_no], msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps.step_name AS [step_name], msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps.command AS [step_details], msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps.step_uid AS [step_uid] From msdb.dbo.sysjobs JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps ON msdb.dbo.sysjobs.job_id=msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps.job_id ) AS TEMP ON ( JOBS.STEP_UID = TEMP.step_uid ) WHEN MATCHED AND -- If it exists AND has changes ( JOBS.JOB_NAME <> TEMP.job_name OR JOBS.STEP_NO <> TEMP.step_no OR JOBS.STEP_NAME <> TEMP.step_name OR JOBS.STEP_DETAILS <> TEMP.step_details ) THEN UPDATE Set JOBS.JOB_NAME = TEMP.job_name, JOBS.STEP_NO = TEMP.step_no, JOBS.STEP_NAME = TEMP.step_name, JOBS.STEP_DETAILS = TEMP.step_details, JOBS.STEP_UID = TEMP.step_uid WHEN NOT MATCHED AND TEMP.step_uid IS NOT NULL THEN -- New files INSERT (JOB_NAME, STEP_NO, STEP_NAME, STEP_DETAILS, STEP_UID) VALUES (TEMP.job_name, TEMP.step_no,TEMP.step_name,TEMP.step_details,TEMP.step_uid) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE ;
Im new to sql so hopefully that makes sense and answers your question in some respect at least
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Is there any way to put system databases under version control? In my case i just wish to put MSDB under version control and filter out everything other than the table "sysjobsteps". This would effectively let me put jobs into version control.
Anyone have any ideas?