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Trouble with deadlock object id

We just purchased SQL Monitor and I'm trying to learn how to use it. I'm having trouble identifying the object id for the 'Victor' in a recent deadlock.

Clicking on the Victor process shows this:
RPC Event: Proc [Database Id = 10 Object Id = 170092738]
dbid: 10, object id: 72057595251654656, index id: (1ecb072ce773) DELETE Line #: 469

SQL query fragment:
RPC Event: Proc [Database Id = 10 Object Id = 170092738]

Clicking on the Victim process shows this:
RPC Event: Proc [Database Id = 10 Object Id = 698758588]
Victim process dbid: 10, object id: 72057595236843520, index id: (9539f639141d) SELECT Line #: 24

SQL query fragment:
RPC Event: Proc [Database Id = 10 Object Id = 698758588]

I cannot find object 170092738 when I query sys.objects or sys.all_objects, though I can find the Victim object (it's a stored procedure). How can I determine the object that won this fight?



  • priyasinha

    This forum messageanawers this question.

    Regarding the victim object, if you look at the 'Details' tab in Alert Details page then you could view the victim process SPID.

  • ginacresse
    Thank you, Priya. I had looked at that post before, but it seems to be returning information about an index(s). My specific object is a stored procedure (I can tell because of the "DELETE Line #: 469". Why does the Victim object id refer to the correct stored procedure, but the victor object id does not? I have already resolved this particular deadlock on my own, so if you don't have an answer, that is okay. I was just curious.

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