Try this:
EXEC master..sqbdata 'UPDATE backupfiles_copylist SET status = ''C'' WHERE name = ''D:\SQLBACKUP\SQL02\ReportServer\20111003_170010_LOG.sqb'''
Check to see if the record has been updated:EXEC master..sqbdata 'SELECT status FROM backupfiles_copylist WHERE name = ''D:\SQLBACKUP\SQL02\ReportServer\20111003_170010_LOG.sqb'''
Thanks very much for this.
It worked with a small change. there was more than 1 file involved so I changed it to say where Count > 500
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I made a mistake last night. I deleted the backup of a transaction log before it could be copied to the network site and now the system is giving me messages every few minutes such as the following.
SQL Backup file copy process failed to copy "D:\SQLBACKUP\SQL02\ReportServer\20111003_170010_LOG.sqb" to "\\LMS32VS02\SQL BACKUPS\SQL02\ReportServer\20111003_170010_LOG.sqb"
Last attempt started on 04/10/2011 09:45:11, and failed with the error "COPYTO error: Unable to copy
996 attempts have already been made to copy this file.
How do I stop them please